Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

T-> e rttre ]e11d of Cbrif1ian Contentmenr.. 6 f more we make the · Promife.to ·beu more than it will bear cu~~ For eo give fome i~1ftance ; Tobeleeve fuUie and confidently, that the Plague !hall not come nigh fuch a houfe, (I fay) ic is t\lay more upon fuch a promife than it will bear. I opened that promi(e in P f~l~ 9 I. No IV if I had lived in the tim~ of the Law, perhaps I might have oeen fomewhat more con'fident of the ltteral perform,mce of the promife than I cm now in the time of the Gofpel, the promife now bears no more then this, . That God 9ath a fpecial prote<£l:ion over his ·People, and that \ he 9Yill deliver them from the evil of fuch an affliCtion; and if he dotb bring fuch ac affiitl:ion, ir is more theo .an ordinary providence. T'u fome fpecial provid~nce that Go:i hath in it. I had thought to have given you dive1s promifcs for the Contentment of the he~rt in the time of affii&ion: If"· 43. l . When thou pa/[eft through the wllttrs, I will be . with thu, find throHth the Rivers,th(y (hall not overflow thee: when thou JJa!k.,.eff throHghthefire,thoufhalt not be bNrnt, neither fhal!the fl.eml kindle upon thu. Certainly though this promife was made m the time of the Law, yet it will be made good to Jll the Sain rs now, one way or otber)either in the Letter,or fome other way. For fa we find it plainly, that promife thlt was m1de to Jofhu". I 11il not fail tbu nor forfafe! thu:fofh. I. 5 .I Cs applied to the Chri - fiians in the time of the Gofp~J. So tbat here is the vvay of Faith in bringing Contentment by the Prornifes, that all the Promifes tbat ever were made to oar forefathers,fwm the bezinning of the world,the Saints ofGod have an i~Herefi in them, they are their inheritances, and fo goes on from 011e generation to another and by thlt they come to h1ve Contentment, b~ca ufe they eo inherit all the . promifes made in all the Book of Gad ; S6 lbb. I~. 5.lhews plainly, that it is our inheritance, and we do not inherit l~fs now than they did in JofhHi/s time, Due we inberit more, fGr you fhaJl find in that place ·of the Htbrnu, there is more (aid than is to Jo(h~A; to J•fhN:t God faith, He will not teave him, nor for fake him ; aow in that f>hce of the Hebrews in theGr~c:k tllere is five neg,atives, I will not, ,u, ~t~ot, not, ~tot., again there is the elegancie ofit v~ry mcrcb, in.the Gree-k 'l f<\y there is five negacives in that little fentence • as if God t11ou!d fay, I'vvill not leave yow,oo,I will not~ 'I 'wiUnor·, I will not :L wi~,