Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. I .Sect. r. Defnit.Nttmb. Dtvif ofDi(eafes. Memb.r.Subf.3. preferve him[e)femwithwineand oyle; Aman as fortunateas,!ilMete//u.r, 7 ofwhom f/aleruu [o much bragges; Aman as healthfull as Otto H errvardu.r, m ~n,., mutfo, aSenator of Ausburrow in Germany,whom"Leovitisu the A!hologer brings fmu oleo. in for an exampie and inll:ance of certainty in his art; who becaufe he had ;;~7';;;;x~;­ the fionificators in his geniturefortunate,and free from the hofiile a[ peers of Epbem". c.p. Sat"r~e and Mars, being avery old man, "could not r<member that ever he de';f'"" '"~ wao ficke. P Parace!fsu may bragge, that he could make a man live 4oo. ;,;;;{/.~:~;;. yeares or more, ifhe might bring him up from his infancy, and diet him as ;:~:,;z:;~';,~;; helill:; and fomePhylic1ans hold, that rhere1snocerrame penod ofmans,,.,. fllemf. .,;e life; but 1t may fbll by temperance and phylicke be prolonged. We finde m wor1;n d"uthe meane time, by common experience, that no man can efcape, but rhat of !"i!f:. j, ~ita ' 11 ejiod is true: tonga. DMiap.~v ~ ')'rtitL ll.ct'l.i>v, ?rA4!J Q ~rlhdA•a., rOper.&Jiet· N;a-r;t,Jl' d.v8pr.nr1Jt itv £ql' ~y.¥n, M' bri vvx.T' ,AvrcpAToi ~tTr'i~t.-- '1 h'earth'sfullofmaladies, and full thefea, w~~~~~~~~~ .. Ifyou require a more exaCt divilion of thefe ordinary Difeafes, which g:~;~;,~of are incident to men,I refer you to Phylic1ans; they will tell you of Acllteand csoo Fernfl'"' Chronicke, F irjl and Secundary, Letha!es, Salutares, Errant, 1' ixed, Simple, PaJh.tib. '-'"f· Compound,Connexed,or Con(eq11ent ,bd~nging to parts or t~e whole ,in llab1t ';-~(;hi~ ;~pir. or in Dijpofition,&c.My d1v1lion at th1s nme (as moll befimng my purpofe) t.3.fitl ., .c. 7 • lhall be into thofe of the Body and Mmde. For them ofthe Body, a briefe Wecter.sytlt. Cataloaueof whichl't':f"hiu.r hathmade,Injtitut.ltb+ (etf.r.cap.r r. I refer you ~o the voluminous Tomes of Ga!en, Areteu.r, Rhajis, Avicenna,Alexandt·r ,P aulu.r,.!Etius, G ordonitts, G11ianerius :. Ani! thofe ex a Cl: Ncotericks, Savanarola, Capivaceius, Donatus Altomarus, Hercutes de Saxonia, Mercurialis, f/itJorius F aventinus, Wccker,Pifo, &c. that have methodically and elaborate!ywritten ofthem all. Thofe oftheMindc and Head I will briefly handle,aad apart. . Divijion ofthe difeafes ofthe H cad. Difeafes of the Minde, forafmuch as they have their chiefe feat and organs in the head, are commonly repeated amongfi the difeafes ofthe hea~, which are divers, and vary much according to thmfite. For mthe head, astherebe feverallparts, fo there be divers grievances, whichaccording to that divilionof' Hwrnius ,(which <J!r~fat de he takes out of Armlanus) are inward or outward (to omit all others which 'fnorbiuapiru: pertaineto Eyes and Eares,Nofirills,Gums,Teeth,Mouth,Palate,Tongue, ~7;/tJ,;;:,;,vaWefell,Chops,Face,&c.) belonging properly to theBrain,as baldnelfe,fa!. parter,ira v<>- ling of haire,furfaire,lice, &c." Inward belongingto theskinnes next to the '"' queret~ ibi Braine, called dura and pia mater,as all head.aches,&c. or to the Ventricles, ~~~:r::;~;ch Caules,Kells,Tunicles,Creekes, and parts of it, and their pafiions as Caro "'de Heurniru. " t' [ b vf / · F tt · ji r. n:, h d'r {' f ' 'Nontalltlr, , er zgo, nett us, pop exte, aumg zcr.meue. T e 11ea eso theNervts;Hildtjbeim, Crampes,Stupor,Convu!jion, Tremor, Pa!ji<: or belonging to the excrements ~,,...,.,,, •• of the brame,Catarrhes, Sneezmg, Rhmrmli, Dijhl!ations : or dfe thofe that ;;;,:,rarenjiJ, perrame ·