Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. I .Sect. I. Diflafts of the Minde. Mcmb. r. Sub( 4 • 8 • pertaine to the fubfrance ofthe Braine it felfe, in which are c;onccivcd,Fren- ----jic, Lethargic ,M~lan&holy ,madnejft,weakememory, Sopor, or ComaVigilia & vigil Coma. Out ofthefeagaine I will finglefuch as properly belong to the 'Cap.t.dc me- J;hantajie,or Imagination, or ll.ett{on it felfe,which X Laurentitu calls the dilmlol. feafesoftheminde ;andHildifheim, morbos Imaginationis, aut Rationu J,fo, which are three or fourein number, Frcnfie, Madne!fe, Melancholy, Dotage, and their kindes: as Hydrephobia, Lycanthropia, Chorru fonfii viti, morbid£. moniaci : which I will briefly touch and point at, infifring efpecially in this of .M elancboly, as more eminent then the reft, and that through all his kinds, caufes, fymptomes, prognofricks, cures : As Lonicerm hath done de vJ poplexia, and many others of fuch particular clifeafes. Not that I linde fault with thofe which havewritten ofthis fubjeCl before, as Iafon Prdtenjis, Lau. rentiru,Montaltm, T.Bright, &c. they havedonevery well in their feverall ycap.•.dc Phi-· kit~ds and methods; yet that which oneomits,anothermay h~ppely fee; that flot ogi• p.,,.. which onecontracts, another may enlarge. To conclude With Y Scribanim, :;:;':;;,;~~;;;:;~ that whtch they hadneglefltd,or perfonflorily handled, we may more throughtaffedixerinr, ly examtne ;thatwhtch u cbfcurely deltvered tn them_•. may be per{PtCIIOtejly di- ?Wf ~x., i nare, lated and amplijed by Ul : and fo made more fam1har and eaiie for every ::::~,~/;;~;; mans capacity, and the common good; whichiithe£hiefe end of my Dif~ fl udcarrno. courfe• I SUB SEC. 4• iJotage,Phrenfte, Madne([e, Hydrophobia, iycanthropili/ Chorm (anfliYiti, Extajis. ' Z,clirium Do. · otage; Fatuity,or Folly, isacommonnametoall the following Species, asfomewill have it. • LaurentiH4 and' Altomarm comprehended Madne([e,Melancholy ,and the re!l: under this name,and call it the fomml'm genm of them all. If it be difringuifhed from ugc. 'l. cap.4.Je mol. a.Arr._mea.,.7· Phrc,nfie. them, it is natura!! or ingenite, which comes by fome defect of the organs, and over-moifr brainc, as we iee in our common fooles; and is f9r the mo!l: parr intended or remitted in particular men, and thereupon fome are wifer then other : ordfeitis acquifite, an appendix or fymptomeof fome other difeafe,whichcomes or goes;or ifit continue, a figne of Melancholy it felfe. Phrenitu, which the Greekes derive frc'>mthe word ~I"'· is a Difeafe of the Minde, with acominuall Madnetfe or Dotage, which bath an acute feaver annexed,or elfe an inflammation oftheBrain,or the Membranes or Kel5 :t.bdndfc. d" ofit, withanacutefeaver, whichcaufeth Madnefle and Dotage, It differs ~;~~';i;:,;; from Melancholy and Madne([e, becaufe their dotage is without an ague: this ~erftringunt continuall, with waking,orMemory ilecayed,&c. Melancholy is moll: part 6::,~::d~;; •. fil~nt, this clamorous; andmany fuch likedifferences are afiigned by Phy- "'"' caufa <ri- ficians. anrur,quodif. Madnejfe,Fren[ie,landMelancholy are confounded byCcl{tU, and many ~«t:;::::['::om Writers; othersleaveoutFrenjie, and rr:akeMadnejft and Melancholy .buc Jiflenr, tt•lter oneDifeafe;wh!Ch b 1 afon Fratenjis efpwally labours, and that they d!ffer f:.'::!':.~.~~re- on!y Jecundu;n majm or minm, in quantity alone, theone beinga de~ree to l•fi• Fr4tmf. theother, and both proceeding from one caufe. They differ intenjo & re- . .. mijfo