Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. J,SeC!.I, Anatomy of the Soule. Memb.z.Subf.6. pofite is s emir'.ftulation. Befides thefe three feverall operations of higeftion, zr there is a fourefold order. ofconcochon :M aftzcatton, or chewing in the Ordo. of conmouth; chyltjication ofthts fo ~hewed meat mthe Homacke; the third is in f~~~~onfoure, the Liver to curnethls Chylus mto bloud, called Sanguificatwn; the laH IS <xpul!ion. Aj1milatlon whichisineverypart. Expulfton is a power of Nutrition, by which it exp~ls allfuperfiuous excre~ents, an~ reliques ofmeat and dri~ke, by theguts,bladder,pores; as by purgmg,vommng,fpmmg,fweanng,urme, )laires,nailes, &c.. . . . . . · As this Nt<trittve focultte ferves to nounfl1 the body, fo doth the vi ug- Augmc marion mentingfocultie \t~e fecon~ operationor power ofthe Vegetal/ fi:cultie) to the increafing of tt m quanmy, accordmg to all D1menfions, long, broad, thicke and comakeit grow tillit come to hisdue proportionand perfect lhape :'which bath his period ofaugmentation,as ofconfumption: and that JllOft certaine, as the Poet obferves: · Slat (uac11ique dw, hreve & irreparahiletempt« Ommbm eftvit«,-- A terme oflifeis fet to every man, Which is but lhort,and paifeit no onecan,' Thelall: ofthefe Vegetalifocultmis Gcneration,whichbegetsanother,by Generation: meanes offeed,likeumo it felfe,to the perperuall prefervationoftheSpecm, To this faculty they afcribe threefubordinate operations: The firft to curne pourilhment into feed,&c. Necelfary concomitants or affections ofthis Vegetal/focultie,are life,and Life and deatli bis privation,death. To the prefervation oflife the natural! heat is moft re- concomitant• .quifite, though ficcity and humidity, and thofe firll: qualities, be not exdu- ~~tie~egeul ded, This heatis likewife in Plants, .as appeares by their increafi11g, fructifying, &c. though not fo eafily perceived. In all bodies it mull: have radicall m moi!lure to preferve it, that it be not confumed;to which prefervationour '!'~'~'• confifliJ. clime, ~oumry, temperature, and ~he good or bad ufe ofthofe fix non-natu- ';.~"/d:.' <r. rall things availe much. For as this natural! heat and moifture decaycs,fo doth our life it felfe : and ifnot prevented before by fome violent accident, or interrupted through our ownc def~ulr, is in <he end dryed up by old age and e~tin~uilhed by death for want ofmatter, a~ aLatnpe for def~Cl of oyl~ tomamtame1t._ Suasec. 6;· Oft heftnfible Sou/e.' l'!xt in _order is the Senfihle Faculty, which is as farrebeyond the orhermd1gmty, as aBeaft IS preferred to a Plant, havingthofe Vegetall powers included in it.'Tisdelined an At:lofan organicaO . UQdy~by whuhttltves, hathfenft, appettte, judgement,hreathand motron. H•sobject mgenerallisafenlible or paffible quality, becaufe the fe~f~ _is affected with it. The generall Organ is the Braine, from which prmcipallythefenlibleoperations are derived. This Senjible s oule isdiv1ded lritonvo parrs, Afprehcnding , or Moving. By the Apprehenfivc power we pet~me.theSpe~lc~offc[llib!ethings prefent, or abfent, and mainethem · - - ~3 ·-- · a~