Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Pan.r.S eC!.r. vlnatomy •fthe Sou/c. Memb.2.Subf.6. n aswaxedoth the print of afeale. By.rhe Moving, the Body is outwardly --- carried from one placeroanorher: or mwardly moved byfpmts and pulfe. The Apprthenftve faculty is fubdivided into two parts, lnward,or Outward. outward, as the five Senfes, ofTouchmg, HeArtng, Seetng,s'!'elling,Taji111g; to whichyou may adde Scalsgers fixe fenfe of Tttt!latton, 1f you pleafe; or that of Speech, which is the fixr exrernall fenfe, acsording to Lullu~&. Inward are three; Common fenfe, Phantajie,Memory. Thofe five outward fenfes have their object in outward things onely, and fuch as are prefent, as the eye fees nocolourexceptirbearhand, rheeare found. Threeofrhefe fenfes are of commodity,Hearing,Sight,aodSme/1: two of necellity, Touch,and Tajie, without-which we cannot live. Befides, the Senjitw~ power is vf {live or Paftive. A{!iveinfigbt, tbeeyefees the colour; Paftivewheniris burr by his object, as the eye by the funne beames: According to that Axiom, Vifihileforte dejlruit fon(um. Or if the object be nor pleafing, as a bad found to Sight. the eare,a fiinking fmell to the nofe,&c. Of thefe live fenCes, Sight is held to bemoll precious, and the belr, and that by reafon ofhis objet!, it fees the whole body at once; by it welearne, and difcerneall things,a fenfe mofi excellent for ufe. To the Sight three things are required;rhe obje#,the Organ, and the Medium. The obje{! in generall is Vijible, or that which is robe feene, as colours, and alllhining bodies. The Medium is the illumination of nLUrDtntfl theayre, which comes from n light, commonly called Diaphamtm; for in _ Q(l"' p•~/Pi<u~. darke wecannot fee. The Organ is the Eye, and chiefly the apple ofit; which t;';;;;~J:~· by thoieOprickeNe:ves,concurring both'~ one, conveyes rh~ fight to the ~ffi•"'P'" commonfenfe. Betwrxt the Organ and ObJect a true drftancers reqmred, !•<i<W, tharitbenot roo neare, ortoo farreoff. Many_excellenr quell:ions appertaine to this fenfe, difcuffed by Philofophers: as whether this fight be caufed intramittendo,velextr&mittendo, &c. by receiving in the vifible fpe<;ies, csator.H.t4 or fending ofrhemout; which0 PlatQ,P l'lutar.ch, qMacl'obim, 'Laffantitu, ~~~~;:de and others clifpute: Andbefides it is the fubject ofthe Perffeaives ,ofwhich •pif.'Dei ' · Alh~::.enrheArabtan, Vttellto, Roger Bacon, BaptijiaPorta, GusdtHVbAidm, ~rz' pr(l(l. .Aqullonim ,&•· have written wholevolumes. 110:.:~: Hcaring, amoll excdlent ourwa"d fcnfe, by which we !tarne andget kn•wledge. His objeCt is found, or that which is heard; the .'11 edium,ayre; Organ theeare. Torhefonod, which is a collifion of the ayre, threethings are required; abody to firike,as the hand ofamufician; the body llrucken,which mull: befolid and able to refift;as a bell,lute-ftring;not wooll, or fpunge: the Medium, the ayre; which is Inward, or Outward; the outward being firucke' or collided by afolid body,ftill ftrikes the next ayre,umil it come to that inward natural! ayre, which as an exquifire organ is contained in alittle skinne formed like adrumme head, and ftruckeupon by cerraine fmall inftrumenrs like drumme fticks, conveyes the found by apaire of Nerves, appropriated to that ufe,to the commonfenfe, as to ajudgeof founds. There is great variety andmuch delight in them 1fortheknowledgeofwhich,confult withBoe•. thim, and otherMuficians. Smdling; SmeUinK, is an outward Jenfe which apprehends}y theNojiril! drAwiPg in •yre; And ofall the reft it is the weakell: fenfe inmen. TheOrgan is the nofe, or two frnall hollow peeq:s offlelh a littleabove it: The Medium the ayre to men,aswatertofilh: The Ohjefl, $m{O,arifingfroml!mixt body refolved. · · · · whicb