Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.t.Seft.r. .Anatomy oft he Soule. Memb.z.Subf.7• whichwhether it be a quality, fume, vapour, or exhalation, I will.not now 2 3 difpute, or of theirdilfereoces,~nd ho.wthcy arecaufed.Thts.fenfe tsan Or. ganofhealth,as Sight and Heanng,f;mh fAgellun,are ofdtfctphne;and that £Lih., 9.cap.•. by avoiding badfmels, as bychoo~ng good1whichdoeas much alter and affect the body 11.1any times,as Dtet tt felfe. 'J'ajle, aneceffary fenfe,wh:chpermves all[avours by_the 'J'ong~e andPalat, T,a,, andthatbymeaneufa thmnefltUle, or •vatrJ]ut~e. HtsOr~antsthe'I'ongue -with his talling ne~es ~the ~e~tttm, .a watery jutce; ~he Ob]eif, 'I_'ajfe, or fa- , vor, which is a quaht~ mthe J.Utce,anfing from_the mtxture ofthings called. Some make eight fpect~s or ktndes offa vo~r, bmer, fweet, lharpe, ~alt; &c. all which ficke men(as ID anague) cannot dtfcerne, by reafon ofchmorgans }nifaffected. . . . _ Touch, the !all of the fenfes, and moll Ignoble, yet of as great necellity Touching. , as the other,and ofas much pleafure.This fenfe is exquifiteinmen,and by his Nervesdifperfed all over the body,perceives any tactile quality.His Org~n, .theN erves; his obj e£1 thofe firll: qualities, hot, dry, moift, cold; and thofe that follow them, hard,foft,thicke,thinne,&c.Many de!ightfome queftions aremoved by Philofophersabout thefe five fenfes; their Organs, Objects, Mediums, which for brevity I omit. SUB8EC.7~ ' Ofthe Inwt~rdSenfeJ~ Nner Sen[esirethreein number, focalled, becaufethey bewithin common the braine-pan, as CommonSenfe,Phantafte,Memory. Theirobjects fenCe. - are not one!y things prefent, but they perceive the fenlible fpecies ofthings to Come, Pajl,Abfent, fuch as were before in the Senfe. ThisCommonftnj<isthe Judge orModerator ofthe re!r, by whom we difcerne all differences ofobjects; for by mine eye I doe not know that I fee, or by mine eare that I heare, but by my Common fen(e, whojudgeth ofSounds and Colours: they are butthe Organs to bring the Species to be ccnfured; fo that all their objects are his, andall their offices are his: The fore. part of the Braine is his Organ or feat. Phantajie, or Imagination, which Come call1E{li1pative, or Cogitative, r-hantafie: (confirmed, faith' Ferneli«<,by frequent meditation)is an inner fenfe which 'Phifl.).<.g• doth morefully examine the fpecies perceived by Common fen{e, of things prefemor abfem, and keeps them longer, recalling them tomind againe, or making newofhis owne. In timeoffleeptbis faculty is free, and many times conceives firange,ftupend,abfurd Jhapes, as in fickc men we commonly obferve. His organ is themiddle cell of the Braine; his objeifs all the Species communicated to him by the Common fenfe, by comparifon of' which he faines infinite other unto himfelfe. ln Me/ancholy men this faculty is moll: P?;yerfull and ftrong,and often hurts, producing many monftrous and prodi&tous things,efpecially ifit be ftirred up by fometerrible objetl, prefemed tOlt.from Common (tnje, or Memory. In Poets and Painters bnagmalson forctbly workes,as appeares by their feverall Fictions,Amickes,Images:As flvtds houfe o!fleepe,Pfyches palace in ApnleiiH ,~.In men it is fubject and · · -- · --- governed