Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

D s >< o c R I T u s to the Reader. to learne wifdome as hedid, penned up moft part in my ftudie.For l have been brought up a fiudent inthemo!t flouri!hiog Colledge of Ettrope, , AugtU'h(snnocollegio, and can bragge with • JO'lliM, almoft, in ea luce z Chciftiomtcitii J'ACiCMJt, totttM orbtsce/ebcrrzmt, per 37 annos mu/ta opportu. ChurchinQ,. naquedidtci; for 30 years I have continued (having the ufeof as llood ~ocd. . · . • Libraries as ever he had) a fcholar, and would bethereforeloth,mher • ~;~~;·:;~~' by living as a drone, to b_e an unprofitable or unworth1c member offo colledge libr~­ !earnedandnoplea fociwe, or townte thatwh1chfhould be anyway"'J'b"Iyrcv.- di!honourable to fuch a royal! and ample foundation. Something I have ~;co{{~;h:c. done,though by my profeffiona Divine,yet t11rbinc raptm ingemi,as bhe qu~<c .. faid,out ofa running wit,an unconftant, unfett!ed mind,I had agreat de- ~ 1~';~f:: lire (not able to attain to a fuperficiall skill in any) to have fome fmatte- d Phil.Stoic.li. ring in all,to be_altquu in omnibm, nul/m inftngulit, which .'Plato com- :~~~':ffi~:,;. mends,out ofhrm d Ltpjim approves and furrhers,.u fit to be rmprmted m of-s ;11geniuim· .u cttriomwits,not to be aJlave o(one (cience,or dwellaltogether in one fub- pcimenJu-:,ur je&1,M moft do,but to rove abroad,centum puer arrium,to have anoare in e. ~'::!'{.'f::,;:,;· very mans boat, <to tafte ifeverie dijb, and jip ofeverie crep, which fa1th autexa."'u1 Montaigne,was well performed by Arijl:otle and his learned Countrey- ~·;•llq~rdrr mao4dri"" Tlirneb~u. This r~ving hu~or( though not with like fuccelfe) n:g~;'';.~,':, I have ever had,&hke a raGgmg fpamell,that barks at every b1rd he fees, arr:Jcer, &c. leaving his game, I have followed all, favingthatwhich I fhould,& may; 'D'J:baregra. juftly complain,and truly, qui ubi~ eft,nu[quameft, which g Gefoer didin ,~':,,;J.~':,:i mgdeftie, that I have read many books, but to little purpofe, for want of fmde ~"."". good method,I haveconfufedly tumbled over divers Authors in our Li- ::;;:5~;~1" J""i braries,with [mall profit, for want of art,order,meqJorie. judgement. I fEJfaier lib. 3• never travdled.but inMap or Card, inwhich mine unconfined thoughts g f'£fat. ltillihave freely expatiated, as having ever been efpecially delighted with the~~~ •• frwtt• ftudy ofCo{mography .hSatU·rn wasLord ofmygeniture,culminatiog,&c. & Jorttm•ti, :and Mars principalljig_nificatorof manners, in partile conjuncrion with 'Jji.~;:~r;:.~­ mme A(cendent; both fortunate in their houfes,&c. I am not poore, I am muJuxrapri· not rich; nihtt eft,nihil deeft, I have little. I want nothing' ol1 my treafure "!"'" Le,i· isinMinerva'stower. Greater preferment as I could never get,foam I'" "&ufom. not in debt for it, I have a competency ( Latu Deo) frommy noble and munificent Patrons,though I live frill aCollegiat ftudem, as Democrit11~ in his garden, and lead a monaftiquelife, ipft mihith~atrum, fequefired from thofe tumults and troubles oftheworld, Et tanqtMm injpecttlapoji. i Henfla. tm ('as he faid) I hear what is done abroad, howothers k run, ride rur- k Calidumli- .1 d h rl · d f: fi ' enter,folrctte more, _an mace~atet em1e ves mcourt an coumrey, ar rom thofeung4nm,••• wranghng law futts,aul.e vanitatem, fori ambitionem, ridere memmfoleo : miftre e.xci1. laugh at all,lon/y ftcure, /efl m• f#itgoamiffe mzjhibS-oertijh COrD & cat.ftdenter, vocet, 11 ·r d 'J" J)" JJ"? r ~ ' repllum~&on.- te_ ffi!lCJrry, trade ecay,I havenowift nor cht drcn,gogd or bad to pro. tentioner, f$'c, vtdefor. Ameere fpeClator ofother mens fortunes and adventures, and l()p.ad v .. how they ad their parrs,whichme thinks are diverfiy prefented unto me,':::.;~~;;;::;, as from ~common theatre or fcene. I hear new news every day, and inJo~o, """" thofe ~rdmary rumorsofwar,plagues,fires,inundations,thefts,murders, ::~;,:;,:~<;: .. matracres, meteors, COin'::c-., fpeGhums, prodigies, apparitions, oflk,,jili~,p.,ritowns taken,cmes befiegedm France,Germany ,Turky,Perjia,Poland,Jllc. '"'::," /ilri n;,n daily mufters and preparations, and fuch like, ·which thcfe tempcftuou/" ~'110'"'· A :l times