Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.a.Sc:Ct,z·. . 'Dyet a ca¥4fe. M em b. 2.Subf. 2. example ofone fo melancholy, ad inumpe.ftiviuommeJ!•tionibru, unfcafona- 7 3 ble feafiing. i Grato confirrnes as much, m that often ctted counfdl, 2 r .ltb. ·i corne,!iofi•f"r2, putting fuperfluous eating for a rna_ine caufe:B_ ur what need_ I feeke fan her p., cibi, "pob (. tu_r 'JI«lillir~ ni~ for proofes ~ Heare Hippocraw htmfelfe, it • 2. v!phort ro. Impure ""'· bodies the more they are noHrip,ed, the more they are hurt,for the n01m{hment u k 1"'P'~""'oh raq~amo m~gir putrifledwith viti~us umours. mam,wtto maAnd yet for all this harme,which apparently follows furfetting and drun- gnkdi,.· P"'"· kenneffe fee how we lmmriate and rage in this kinde, reade what Ioh•wms ~;;'/""'~"·, Stuckius illth written lately ofthis fubject,in his great Volume de .Antiquo- bu~;~ " 11''«4 rum ConviviiJ, and of our,pr&nt age; quam 'portemop CO?pa; prodigtous · ~:;:~;~::;;·,~. [uppers, m !J2t!.tdummvttam ad c"nam, ejferunt ad (epulchrum, what Fag_os, •i•,&c. putwu Epicures, Apetios, Heliogables our ttmes afford~ Lucullus Ghofi walkes Htll, eom. . and every rnandefires to fup in J;ollo: lifo;s cofily di!h is ordinJrily fer- J. Amb.ilb. tie ~. ' . ~~ --" 011agiJ illajuvant, qu.t plt~ri4 emuntsr. . nJ:tr.!(lla/. The deareft Catesare beft, and 'ris an ordinary thing to beftow 2o.or 30. pound on a di!h,forne thoufand Crowns upon a dinner:M ully-Ham et King of Fez and M~rocco fpent three pound on the fawce of a Capon; 'risnorhing in our times, we fcorne all that is cheape.Weioathethe very light (fome ofus,as o Gllicc.rdi"'. Seneca notes)bew'.foit c1mes /ree,a»ti we are offended wilh the Surmes heat,and ;,;:'f'{;J/J." . th4fl ccole blafts,becau(e we buy them not. This aire we breath is fo common, 'i''""""g:4~0 we care natfor it, nothing pleafeth but what is deare. And ifwe be~ witty in '"'~m, do!tt . any thing, it is adgulam : If wee ftudy at all, it is erudiiD l•xu, to pleafe the Jit;,::111 ::::d pallat, and to fatisfie the gut.t.A C11ke oj1ld wa a ba(e kna11e (as' Livy corn. "' P•ifi""",q•M plaines)but no•~ agre.t man in reque.ft: Go1kery iJ become an art, anoble (cimce, ~:.: ~/;'"• emp- , Cookes ttre Gentlemen5Venter Dttu; They welre their braines in their hdlies, adeo~i~~~zpi!~ andtheirgtetsitllheirheads, as f Agrippa taxed fome parafitesofhistime, nifi qwd"''""' ru!hing on their owne ddhut:tion,asifa man !hould runne upon the point of ~ingmiofi 4 afword,u(~dummmpamttrcomedRnt; •all day, all night, ktthc Phyfirian Gui">n. ' fay what he will; imminent danger,and feralldifeafes are now ready to feazc:. ,. 0 ""' vile ,;t. tt~on them, that ~ill eatetill they vomit,Edunt ttt vDmant. vDmunt & 'edam, ;~::;"';fl?;':,~~ fanh Sencca; whtch Dion relates of ritellius; Solo tranjitu cibomm n11triri ju- "'i'!''"'""'·""' · dtcatus; hts meat dtd pa1fe through,and away: orrill they burfi again.u Str.a- ~'~'(/'"i&.c. ge animantium ventre onerant, & rake overall the world,as fo many xflaves, 1,J.:;,';;~',;,. belly-gods,and bnd-fer~e;ts,&_tofussr~#ventri nimi4 angt!flus; the whole '~;~~;·;:;,i• ' wo~ld cannot lausfie th~tr appetite, Y S.ea,land,rwe"s,lakes,&c. may 11{)/ give { In/n:,,;,.c t;ont~nt.to thetrragmggttts. To make up themeffe, what immod~ratedrink-' "".t.!ertqriw. mgm every place~ Senem pqt11m p81a tr4hebat_ anus,'110w they flocke to rh'~ ~;;:z~-.. . Taverne: a_stfthey were fr.t~ges con(umer.e naft,borne to no other end but tO' ,,, da.ot; 110;j:; eateand drmke, like ojfe!ltus Btbul11s, that famous Roman parafite f2!!j dum portftdf•mfln vixit, aut hihit aut minxit; a~ fo ma~y Casks to hold ~ine1 yea w~rte than a :f:::::;:/~j Cask, that marres wmes,and tt felfe 1s not marre.d by tt; yet t~efe are brave Heroidili"'.· men,Stlenus Ehrmswasno braver.Et qu.t. fuerunt vitia,moresfo·'nt : 'tis now y S.tv~g/lt. th c. {h' f . h ' . ' tnr~{kti4Ytll0~ e .a !ono our umes,~n onour: N~ncvero~~s.'i.ft,Horediit(as chryfo.ft. pof!it.mJI.,.,;;-; 1 for. 30.10 ~ .EpfJtf. comments) re ejfemt:zat.t rtdend><;pgn•vi.tlac1 habwnr,' ';"'? ~,.,~. NO!Itmehrtart; '!IS now come to that pa1fe that he is no Gentleman, aTe- i::::::"""' K ry