Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr. 1.Secr. 2. Oftbe force oflinagination. Memb. 3.Subf.2;' cipall pans are much debilitated; ash D' Navarra we!~ declared,being confulted by Montama about a melancholy Jew. The fpmts fo confounded, the nouri{hmenr muft needs be abated,bad humours wcreafed, cn1dmes,& thtck fpirits ingendred with melancholy blood. The other parts cannot performe their funttions, having the fpirits drawne from them by vehement pal!ion, bm fllile in fenfe aod motion;fo wee lookeu·pon a thtng,and fee rtoot;heare, and obferve not;which otherwife would much affect us, had wee been free. I may therefore conclude with; Arnoldtu, 0!1axima vi& ejl phataji£, & h11ic rmi fcrC>non twtem corporis intcmperiei, omnis meianchofi£ cdufa efl AjCrihenda .-great is the fore~ oflmagination,and much more ought the caufe ofMelancholy to be afcribed to this alone,then to the dillemperarure ofthe body. Ofwhich Jm,,gination,becau[e it bath fogreat 3 ftroke in producing this malady, and is .lbpowerfull of it felfe, it will not be improper to my dif· courfe, to make a bride Digrel!ion, and fpeake of the force of it, and how it caufcth thisalceration. Which mannerofDigrel!ion , howfoever fome cl iflike, as frivolous and impertinent, yet I am of • Brroaldtu his opin'ion,Sttch Digrefions dae migiHily delight andrefrejh a weary Reader, they are like ftrvce to a badjlomacke, and I doe therefore mo11 willingly 11(< them. SuB SECT. z. Oftheforceoflmagination. - ·•Hat imagination is, I havefiJfficiently declared in my Digrefion of the Anatomieof the foule.I will only now point at the wonderfull effetts and powerofit; which, as it is eminent in all, fo moll: efpe€ially it rageth in melancholy perfons,in keeping the'fpecies of objetls fo long, millaking, amplifying themby continua!! and k ll:rong meditation,uotill at length it produceth in fome parties rcall affetts, caufeth this,& many other maladies. And although this Phamajie ofours,be a fubordinate faculry to reafon, and iliould be ruled by it,yct in many men, through inward or outward dillemperarures, defeel of Organs, which are unapt or hindered, or otherwife con,taminated, it is likewife unap~, hind red, and hurr. This we fee verified in lleepers,which by reafon of humours, and concourfe ofvapomstroubling the Phantafte,imagioe many times abfurd and prodigious things, and in fuch as are troubled with Inmh11<,or Witch ridden (as we call it) if they lie on their backs,they fuppofc an old woman rides,and fits fo hard upon them,that they are almoft ftilled forwantofbreath; when there is nothing offends,but a concourfe of bad humours,which trouble the l)I h Mout411iconcit.n.H.evero qHomodocilJt[C?lt mt!tlllcho!iam, t!IUIP1J~ tt ljl!Od concoCilo;um impcdiant,et mtm-. bnzprincipa(itl. dtb ilium.. ilJrcviai'.lib.r. cap.t8. "Solent hNjiJ{- modl tgrt)jionts fovM4bilitrr obltflai'~,etfe{/a. i'tm la{fltm jrtcunde rtjtnlrrt, jlomachwn~ 7lllltflan.um, quodam tptaji condJmtnlDrtftare,trcgoli· bentt:'l excmra. k Ab "ilf'Agi'tllltj. Oile(}"(i!mtt!Ta!J~ c1ionet, 'uibu& tmima comroni· tl!r, tmtrurbatit dttJJTb:rwr, Io. Sari.JbJtritnfl Mato!og.!ib.4. azp,to.; Phamajie. This is llkewife evident in fuch as walke in the night in their fleep, and doe firange feats: 1[htfe vapours move the P!Jantajie,the Plumtafie ~;:;}J~:;~e~ .. the Appetite, which moving theamma/lfpirits,caufeth th~ body to walkeup v•lebat,mortua and downe,as tf they were awake. FracalloritM lih. 3 . de intelle/J. referres all fim'li' jo<Cba j~ aufere11Jftfi Extajies ro this force of Imagination, fuch as lie whole dayes together in a fmfib"'•" q1L'II7J trance: as that Pridl: whom"' Cetjits fpcakes of,that could feparate himfe!fe pu•grrerurd":': from his fenfes when he lift,and lte hke a dead man, void of life and fenfe. fi;~'" 1111" fo,. Cardan brags ofhimfdfe, that he could doe as much, aod that when he lift. Many time$li.IChmen when they come tothemfdves, tell ilrange things of ' M 3 - Heaven