Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.t.SeCl:. 2. Ca11jer of Melancholy. 9Z ~!~tr;t 7e"WJInMgi,ut. oVtrhi&ctuit- {lifmibU& fi conftcramd.tmo;U ptf]imtt mlliit~et qui iiud op«~ fuu>n 11tit11r,tt tarum phan~c. Jiamrtgit,dllcilq~ adtocaab ipfis d~fidtrttta, COlfOi'd.?.JtrfJ Crt1 umfintftn[U ptrn:antnt,qu~ umbracooPtdt dicbolM,,;tnuUi fintconf}iclfa, tt po,'l, m'?tbra[Nblttta,popriiscorporibtat.tJ rcftituit,l.3·'·tt, Witr. pDtltario v11di. "· qSoltttim~r, fi'<t011»Jib~Haf. [cflibT#,forw imagiMtio~s r)gntre, pofl a11117,&C./.3.(.8, r~xvi{ilfTfo, tttltmptperit. (I.i/l.t .C4f' .4• deocmlt.nat. ~nir. fi inuramP~:JJttfuav~ctgitet dt uno,aNt ali~ ~:b .. ftnre,tjNJ rff;- gitJ.fo!etillf.etu t{IIW't. t t!._uidrumfo~ ttti adhttcmatri unito,fllhia JPi· riiHII!lJVibratione,ptr 7tti'Vor, q1d1Jtumatrix ctrebro covjtm- {la tjl,i,.primil ~prtg114tlti1'1t4gimN(I?IIt fi illiifgintt11T7flll.. ltnnt:anarum, Heaven and Hdl, what vifions they have !erne; as that ·$' Owen in M ath"v Pari., tnotwentintoSaint Patricksl'urgoto;·y, and the Monkeof Evef/~am in the f.1me Author. Thofecom.non 2pparirioos in Bcde and Grrgory, Saint Brigets revelations, Wier. bb. 3· de lamiu cap.t I .C«(ar VMminus In his Dia. logLe;,&c. reduccth,(as I have formerly fa id; )w'" all thofe taksof Witches progre,ffes,dancing, riding, transformations, opnations, &c. to the force of " Imagination, and the • Devils illufions. The like df«1s almolt are to be frene in fuch as are awake: How many Cbimxras, Anr'cks, golden moun. taines and Ca'fl:ks in the A ire doe they build unto thcmfrlvcs: I appeale to P Jinters,Mechanicians,~1 at hematicians. Some afcribe all vices to a falfe 3nd corrupt Imagination,Anger,Revenge, Lufi,Ambition, Covetoufr,efs,which preferres falrhood,bcfore that which is right and good, dt!uding the Soule With falfe fll~W e S 2nd fuppofitiOnS. P Brrn.rdru PtP.DIIuJ will have herelie and fuperllitiontoproceed from this four.tain; as heefalfdy imagint th, fo he bdreveth;anJ ash~ conceiveth of it, fo it mell be, and it 01Jll be, cont74 gentes, he will have it fo. But moll efpeCiaHy in paffion s and aff~(t i ons, it lhewes firangeand evident df:.:ls: what will not a fearfdl mm conceive in the cat ke ~wh at Orange formcsofBue,beares, D~vils, Wirches, Goblins~ Lav.mr imputes th e greatefi c2ufc offpeClrums, and th ~ like apparitions, to fear e, which above alldtherpaffions, begets the firongdl ImJginatioo, (faith qWimu)and fo likewife love,forrow,j(ly,&c. Some dye fuddcnly,as lhethat faw her fonne come from the battdl at Canna, &c. Iacob the Patriarke,by forceof!magination, m~de peckled Lambes,laying peckJed roddcs before his 01eep. Perfina that lEthiopian Q~eene in Heliodorus, by feeing th~ piClure of Perfiru and Andromeda, in fiead of a Illackmoore, was brought to heJ of a faire white child. In imitation ofwhom belike, *an hard favoured fellow in Greece, becaufe he and his wife were both deformed, to get agood brood ofchildren,elegantiji'ima;s lmagines inthalamooollocavit,&c. hung the fairefl: piClures he could buy for money in his chamber, that his rvifi by fte. quent fight ofthem,might (8nCeive and b'are (i1ch children. And ifwe may beleeve Bale, oneofPope JYi(ho/a;s the tlmds Concubines, by f~eing of' a B~are, was brought to bed of a mon!1er. lfa woman(r.1ith r Lcmnim)nt the , time ofhtr ccnception, thinke of,another man pre(cnt, or ab(ent, the childwill be like him. Great bellyed women, \V hen they long,yeeld us prodig ious exam· pies in this kind, asMoles, Warts, Scarres, I-ll re lips, Monficrs, efpocially eaufed in their children,by force ofa deprJved phantafie in them: lpfam (}ecicm q:sam animo effgiat, [«'tui indttcit: 01e imprints that fl:amp upon her childe,which !M' conceives unto her felfe. And therefore Lodovicm Viver, /ib.>.deChrif!fem.givesa fpeciall caution to great bellied women,u that they doe )JDt admit ji1ch abjurd conccits and cogitations, bttt by all meanes avoid thofi horrihleobjcas, heard or feene, or (ilthie fP••1acles. Somemlllaugh, weepc, figh,groane,blulh,trernble, fweat,at fuch things as are fit ~geQed umo them by their Imagination. Aviwma fpeakes ofone that could call: himfdfe into a Pal lie when he lifi;and fome can imime tbe tunes ofBirds and !leafis, that they can hordly bee difcerned: Dagebcrtus and Saint Francis fcarres and iUitt~n.?ttUJ?CIIm proferetfotw : filcporrm, infons tditm fitpremo fabe/lobifido , ~~ difflCia: ve:emrns cogitt:.tion·61.ltt rmtmfftcicr. ll'ier.ft!J. 3.cap. 8. uNe dum uur«m gtj:fltl, tldmirtanl arjkrdtt6 cqgu.tunu,jed rt't1[u1 mtdituquef.,dattbmtndadt-, t-1/t/lt. . wounds,