Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

.Partoi.Sea:.z. · Xai{es of Melancbely. Memb.z.Sub(6; Gout,Fal!ing-lickneffe,biting ofa mad Dog,and many fuchmaladies cured by Spells,Worcfs, Charatters, anq Charmes,and manygreenc woun,dsby that now fo much ufed Vnguentum Armarium, magnetlcally ·cured, .which Cr~Uim and Gocle~Jim in a booke.of late .hath defended, I,iba.vim io 'a•,ju!l Tradas !tiffely contradids,and rnofr men controvert.All the ~orld kn'<>Wes there is no venue in fuch Chatmes,or Cures,but aftrona conceit and opinih Lib.dt Int""- on alone,as h PomponAtim holds,which forceth 4 motion ~~the' hrnpors, fPirits ~~1:{J~~f~ and blot~d, which takes away the r•ufo of the malady ftom the parts 4Jfttled. ;;,::;:;..:iff:: The like we may f.1y ofall our Magicall effe.:.ts,fuper!litious cures, and rtuch ["'·"""' vuio as are done by Mountebanks and Wizards. <..As ·by wicked incredrditj many ojfea••·apit"r men are httrt (fu,faith • Wierm ofCharmcs,Spels,&c.) wee jittde in Ollrtxpi. I;.~:~-::·,:... riencr, by the famemeanes many are relieved. An Empirick oftcntimes, and a fa. p..·ribw•ffi- lillyChyrurgian,doth more ftrangecures,thana-rationall Phylitian.Nymatia;u,;p;r. nru gives a reafon,becaufe the Patient puts his confidence in him,' which A- ~'L:~~~:.P;/· vicerm• preferrcs before Art, Precepts, And aU Remedies wh•tfoever. ' Tis opiimpia <redldi"" nion alone (faith k CarJan) that makes, or marres Phylitians, and he cloth , - ~~/.::.~";'.;1; the bell cures, according to Hippocrates, in whom moll: truft. So diverfcly credihik•JII'f"~ doth this phantalie of our-saffec:t,turne and winde, fo imperioully command obferv~""'· our bodies,which as another 1 Prottm,or aCamelion,can take ADjhapes; •ndis ~'J!•-perfl<af• . offuch force' (as Ficinru addes) 'that it tan work upon others, 44 well as ·our ttrne7":'.~"/i:,r: [elves. How·can othcrwife blearc-eycsin one man,caefe the like affeCtion in ~editin• )"fi- another ~ Why doth one mans •• yawning, make another yawne ~ One-mans ~P~~svP:,in piffing provoke a fct?nd many t~f11CS to doe the like~ Wh~doth fcraping;of j'd!pl""'""- t~enchers offend a thJtd,or hacking ofiiles~ Why dothc:i C'l'ltkaffe bl-eed, -f;,w;,-'ih. de {a- , when the murtherer is bro~ght ~cf~re.it, fom,eW!;eks ~fter tire mut~bet ll·a!E Marcili114Ffci- peeoe done~ .why d_oe .Witches and old women,fafcmate and bewt!ch chtl- 't.,~;~l.:.i;;:_ ljren: but asWierm, Paracelfm,,'o.,di:t~,UU!~ldm, rall~riola;• C£(Ar r:anlli· ~;,~;ma~;..,i;, nm,Campa11t!la, and nfany Phtlofophers thmk, the forctblc tmagmatton'of IJlra"''.. ,p,,_ the one party,mov~sand-alters the fpiritsof the other. Nay more, they can :;:~~;;::- caufc and cure not onely difeafes, maladies and fevera_ll infirmities, by this priil er aliLwmo meanes, as Avrcenna de'amm.ltb.4.fel1 ·4· fuppofcth, mparttes remote, but n#IINJnq•an.affi- move bodies from their placcs,caufe thunder,lightning,tempefts,which opi· :~:.rofl~""'"• nion Alkindm, ParAalfm, and fome others approve of. So that I may cer- •f<iu~~J.ifio·,~. tainly conclude, this ftrong conceipt or imagination, is aftrum hominis, and the rudder ofthis our /hip, which reafon lhould fieire, but overborne by phantafie,cannot manage,and fo fuffers it felfe and this whole veffell of ours to beover ruled, and often overturned. Read more of this in Wierm l. 3.de Lamiis,cap.8,9,IO. Francifcm Valef- med.&ontrover.lib.5 .cont.6. Marce/. !m Dlnatm lib.2.cap. I.de hift. med. '"irAbil. Levinm Lemnim de occult. nat. mir.lib.I .cap. I 2. CArdanlib . I 8.de rerum'IJar. Corn. Agripta de occtdt.Philof. cap.64,65. CamBrarim r. Cent. cap. 54· horarum [ubcz[. Nypunnm morat.de Imag. Laurentim, and him that is i11}AY6mnium, Fienm, a famous Phylirian ofAntwerpe,thatwrote three books Jeviribm Imagina(ionis. I have thus far digreffed,becaufe this imagination is the mediumdeferens of paffions, by whofe meanes they work and produce many times prodigio.us effcds; and as the phantafie is more or leffe intended or remitted,and their htimouts difpo.fed,fo doe perturbations move,mqre or lcffe, and take deeper impreffion.