Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

D • .. o c R r Tu s to the Reader. 43 rhe remperatureofhis bodie~ Can you account himwife ordifcreet that wouldwillingly have h1s hedlth,andyet wil do nothmg that fhould pro. cure or continue it~·Theodoret out of PlotmH< thePlatonijt,holds 1t artdt.; P"quam r;Ji- ~u/ous thing for a man to live afte- his own la>vs,to doe that which is of :;·,~'f.~~,mifenfive to God, andyet to hofethat h~ Jh '"Id fove h1m : andwhen he voltm-Jenrcnria vive~ tarily neglefis h•; ~>Vn fitf:tte, ~'\d ·contemns the.'l~eans,to thmk to be deh- ;!·;;;,~f=n~"' '1/eredb another: who W1llfaythefemenarew1fe~ . e'ffequi,&raA third argument may be denvedfrom the precedent, k all men are me~ dfolu carried away with pallion,difc~ntem,l ull:, pleafi.Jres, &c.they generally ~;;j;,~i~:~[-:!,· hate thofevertues they fhould love,~nd love fuch VICes they fhould hate. propri• foiuru Thereforemorethenmelancholy,quitemad,bruit beall:s,and void of:ill curam abjsureafon,fo chryfofl~me Gonten~s;o;. r.•ther deadandbttriedili'Ue, as lph,fo ;;;;;~~~di;~:~; Jud.ttti concludes Jtfor a.cenam_ue; ofaUfuch that are carrteda_way JVtth curat.gr•'· pa{sions,or labour ofany di(eafe oft·he rnintle. M;p(~e u foar andforrow ,tb.ere "{;a·. fi . "'LafiantiH<ll:iffely maimains,wiftdomecannot dwell. quf/~';,;.1;~,., . . (9-c. Hor. '?. . --qt" cuptet, metuet quoqu~ porro, fir.r. J!.!!j metttensvivl.t, H{mm1hi nonerit tmquam, ~.c:;~ !},~· Seneca& the rell:of theStoichareofopinion,thatwhereisanytheleall: ' •m eftaniperrurbation,wifedome may·not'be found . ~hat more ridimlotu,as "Lr.. ,.,~~;;: ~!:: c1anttm urgeth, then to hear how Xerxes whipped theH elleJPont, tbrta~; ruu· cenfinda~. ned theMountain Athos ,and t!Jeiike. To fpeak ad rem, who is free from ';_f.':i~:f:.~: paffion~' M ortalti nemoefl q11em 1JO!>fltingatdolor,morb~tfve;as PTully de- eft, fopienti• termins out ofan old Boeme,nomortal men.can avoid farrow&ficknes, adefl'ne.quir•. and farrow is anunfeparabkcompanion ofmelancholy. q Chryfoflome ~'J/;;;;n~~~­ pleads farther yet,that they aremote then mad,very beall:s,ll:upified and lefPontum vtr• void ofcommon fenfe: fPr !t,w ~faith hee) ]hall I know thee to 6ea mar1, :e~:;;~·;;,~· •. when thor< ktckeflltke at} afft, netghtfllrke anhorfeafter women,rave{lm Wh«e is bit- /rift li kt a bull,ravenefllike a bear.e,fl.ingeft lifre a[corpion,rakefllike awolf, temclfc, thm is M fobtle M dfox,IH impttdtnt"' adogge,ShaUIJay thou art a man,that haft ~,;:,~ndedhnda/1 the {j mptQmes of 4 be•fl? H iJw{hall I know thee tobe aman,by thyj/lape? Pi""·"·•6. That affrights me more, when I ,fee a beafl in lil:enejJeof a man. , An '"~''Y maa ~"SenetA cals that of Epict~rm, magnificam vore~,an hm;>icallfpeech,; ;.~ft:lnju• Afool fttUbegmt to lrve ,and accompts lt a filthy hghtneffemmen,everie ria in fopienday to lay new foundations of their life, but wh·odoth otherwife ~ One te~ •on ;ad". travds,another builds; one for this;anotherfor that bufines, & old folks tpift~~ -:;:,,:· : areas far out as therell:; odementemfenelftttem, Tufty exclaimes.There- Hominem te · fore young, old,middleage,all are frupid, and dote. , ;~;:::~;;;. *.lEnt M Syl>v1m a~ong!l: many other, fets down threefpeciall waies quam•fi"'"'': tofindeafoolby. He ISafoolethatfeeksthathecannot finde: He is a calcttm,laflt· foole that feeks that,which being found, will doe himmore harmethen ;;~~i~' :,•:;:::.; good: He is a fool, that?av_ingvarietieofwaies ~o bring him to his jour-~f.,[;'~;~;;, n_eys :nd,ta~es that wh1ch IS worll:. If fo,me:hmks mo~ men are fools; indulge'", examme thmcourfes,and you fhal foon perce1vewhat d1zards andm:td· quun: rapi"'"' rnenthemajor partare. :;:::;:.J.,~.",!3 ~om_m.u b~bto~ ttl 7f'l4.J!.tt ~errct, f~Mm ft1arn burmvt4 JPe,iC 'fJid(re rru patem. r Epift. lib.:.r ~· Sttlltl/4ftmpet tii.Ciptt VI'I.Jtre , f«_dabor~unum levJt~~ no't.l~ qiuJtiJit ju_nJarnenta vittl! ponere, nO'IJM fPet, &&. )f. 7Je curial• miftr · Stul tus~qur qu:tr~r. q~W~ ~~qut!tnveTUre, jlulttu qui qutl!rit 4_uod N~Ctt invutum, fiultM <f.Ui tum plurtt b4· i u calllt,detmorrm dtlt,t~t .. Mrltt 'IIJJentpromntsddiri~ amentrt,(:Tc. F ~ Jieroaldus