Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

44 D • M o c R 1 Tu s tc the Reader. BerDAldm will have drunkards, afternoone men,and iuch as more rhen ordinarily delight in drink, to bemad. The firfr pot quencheth thirfr, fo Pany-fis the Poet determines in A then«~«, (ecunda grat~u ,horu & Dyonifto: the fecond makes merry, the third for pleafure, quarta ad tTI{aniam, the founh makes them mad.If this pofition be true,what aCatalogue of madmen lhall we have~ what lhall thcybe that'drinkfour times foure ~ N onneJi•pra omnemfurorem,fupra omnem infaniam reddtmi infanifsimos1 I am ofhis opinion; they ar.emore then rriad, much·wo& then mad·. ·b Ep. 71ema- The b LA bderites condemned' Democ-rit"' for a mad. ma~, becaufe he t"'· was fomiimes f.1d and fomtimes again profufdy merry. Hac patria(faith Hippomttes )ob rifumfurere& in(aniredicunt,his country-men hold him c Amicu_nofiru mad becaufe he laughs; ' & therefore he deftres him toadvife all hiofriends ~~,:~:~::•• at Rodes,thM they doe not laugh toomuch, or be overfad. ~ad thofe LAb- "'"·•"' nimium dertte: ~een converfant wrth us, andbut feen what •fleenngand gnnrun~ triftet fint. there rs mthrs age, they would cenamly have concluded,we had been all d_Per mult~m out of our wits. ~~':}::;ru Arijfotle in his Ethicks holds, f"'lix_ id!mque [apiem, to be wife and flul r•.n. happy are reciprocall tearms,bonm idemq;fapiem lionejflf4. 'Tis ' TuUm ~!f:;,!~;;:; li- p•radox, rvi(e men are free, butfools mjlaves, liberrie is a powe~ to liye J~ri, ftulti fi r- accordmg to hts own lawes,as we wrll·our {-elves, who hath thiS hbemc, ovt,l tbemuefl '..Vhoisfree~ · , · pettji.u, ep-c. _r {i<piensJibique imperio[~«, f Hor.>. fir.r . .f<!!:.emneque pauperies,neqgn,.PrJ,!'eque vin(u/4 terrmt, Re(pon(are Cufidinib~« , .contemnere hon&res · Fortu,& inJeipfo tolm· terrs atque rotundm. He is wife that can command his ownwill, Valiant and confrant to himfelf Hill, ' ' Whom povertie,nor death,nor,bands canfright, Checks his defires,Tcorns•honours,juft and right. But where lhall fuch a man be found~ ,Jf no where, then e diam1tr1, wee all are llaves,fenlleffe or worfe. Nemo n;Al~« fa:lix. But no man is happy in this life,nonegood,thercfore no man wife. J•vr•. · RArs quippe honiForonevertlic, you lhall findeten vices in the fame partie;p4uci Pnmt- !hei,mu/ti Epimethei. Wemay peradventure ufurp the name, or amibut_e lt toothersforfavour,as Care/m Saptens,Phzltppm Bon~«,Lodovwu Pttu,&c.anddefcribethe properties ofa wifeman asTuUy dothan Orator, Xenopho,. Cyrm,Caftilio a C~urt ier ,GalenTemperament, An arifiocrafieis defcribed by Politicians.But wherdhall fuch aman be found 1 Yirhon~U& {4piens,qualemvixrepperitumm M i!lihus e multi;_ hominum confoltm 4poUo. A wife, agood man in a million, vfpoUo confulted could fcarce finde one. A man is amiracle of himfelf, but Trifmegiftus addes, M •ximum ,;,•• tulumhomo {4piens ,awife man is a wonder:multiThyrfigeri ,p••ci8.cthi. LA lex•nder when he was prefemed with that rich and coil:Iycasket of King D arius, and everyman advifed himwhat to put in it, he referved it to keep llomers works, a5 themoft precious Jewcll of hiU!lane wic, and yet