Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

90 Mr. Baxter's Sermon, Chrift, than in- the World ? And are they not fo frill ? Is the cafe changed ? If Chriftianity was reafonable,then it is reafonable now ; if it was neceffary to begin, it is neceffary to holdon, and proceed in your Race, till you have obtained the Crown. 2. Your receiving Chrift effentially, contains in it an obligation to proceed and go further ; affitally to truft and obey him, whom you have taken for your Lord and Saviour, from the very Offices and relations of Chrift received. If I be a Father, where is my fear ? If! be a Mafter, where is my honour ? If I be a Savour, where is your confidence in me, fubmil, Pion tomy faving-work,Obedience to my healing-precepts? If I be your Lord& Mafler,i,Vhy do not you learn ofme as your Mafter?&c, Your firft CoVenant engages you to proceed in fulfilling the things promifed inyour Covenant, &c, Better not have promifed to be his people, than to promife and break this promife. The very Mer- cies alfo you have received from him, pardoning your former fin, entertainment in his Church, and all the Wettings there found, areas fo many Obligations to proceed. 3. Ever fence we came home to Chrift, we have had an addition of Reafons, befides the firft-Reafon we had to believe : Every day brings in new &c. Certainly if a little were deniable, more were more defirah!e : If the people that ftood afar off; and never tried what C lir&and Grace is, were bid to come in,thofe that have tryed and rafted are bound to proceed much more : You have the Spirit of God, expel fences of his love, tailed the bitternefs offing have had forne tryal of the truth offuch things of which we (peak, when others have eyes, and fee not, Ste. and will you turn back that have tailed ? &c. 4. Confider howmuch bath, been loft upon many afoul for want of cal e to take rooting, and to proceed ; How much labour of the Miniffry,mercies of God, pains and care oftheir own ? I (peak of thole that have feemed fincere, not indeed fo ; that have many times comforted the hearts oft heir Miniflers and Friends,and have had fome kind of comfort to themfelves in that tafte they have had of the good Word of God. How many times hath the Preacher been gladed to fee fuch a one come to him, feemingly with a bro- ken heart, kerning to let themfelves in the way of life ! yet the flefh prevailed for- Want of confirmation. How many years have fome fpent in duty, in hearing, prayer, gracious fociety, profeffirig of Religion ! yet afterwards the world hath drowned all. What caufe have you $o fee you lore not the thing you have wrought ? 5. Confider how much of the. works of your own: falvarion when