Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

4Ir. Baxter's Sermon. -tier., Whatfball we do ? who pall we take for Or guides, ifGod take them away &c. 'Tis not the denial ofpublick liberty that Ides that relation between a Pallor and his flock, nor any word fromman should caufe a poor foul to truft it fell for guidance of Salvation to one that is not able : a mans foul is not to be hazarded upon damnation, by being deprived of the officers and ordinances ofChrift, and call upon the conduEt of a blind guid, meerly for the pleafuring of a nicer man. 6. Be lure you underftand thenature ofChurch-union, and ne- ceflity ofmaintaining it, and abhor all wayes that are truly Schit= anatical, that would rent and divide the Church of Chrift. As you mutt not-under pretence of avoiding Schifm , call your foul upon apparent hazard of damnation, fo you mull maintain the ne- ,ceffity ofChurch-union and Communion : when Chrifis members walk in Communion with Chrifts members, fuppofing that which is fingular to the generality of judicious men. Take heed of any -thing that would withdraw you from the communion of the gene- rality of thofe that are found in the Faith. Take .heed of with- drawing from the main body of Believer's. Chrift is the head of -his Church, he will never condemn his Church ; walk in thofe fub- ftantials Chrifts Church bath walked in. Divifions amongft Chri- -ftians is a fin God hath defcribed as odious, and tending to the ruine ofChriftians. Be very fidpicions of any that would draw you from the main body ofBelievers, and keep communion with the univerfal Church of Chrift, with the generality of the godly in love and affe&ion, &c. 7. BeCure your own hearts and wayes be" the matter of your daily Rudy 3 and when Hypocrites have their work abroad, let yours be much at home ; while they make it their bulinels to cen- fure this and that man, let the main of your bnfinefs be in drefling 'the inward ofyour own hearts, in keeping all right between God -and you. Oblerve your hearts inclinations. If any inordinate in- ,clination after any thing, let a fpecial guard ; mark which way your thoughts go,that you may know your inclinations by your thoughts. In a fpecial manner preferve tendernefs of confcience, fear offin,loath- fulnefs to difpleale God : Let Truth have the maflery, maintain. Inch a conscience that dares not fin to fave your lives. Before you ,fin not wilfully. Obey the light. -8. Be fure to keep up continually a lively apprehenfion of the nate and place ofyour everlafting happinefs, to live by faith upon the unfeen world. Knowwhere your happinefs lies, and what it -is, that