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104 Mr. Ba%ters Sermon, inyourbolome, when you fhodd be doing for your fouls : ftirre up to, and indutie, when yOUhave but little time for lite eternal do not pray as if you prayed not, or hear as though yoteheard not : but when upon dutie, doing Gods feTvice , do it with allthee dfet oufneffe and rigour you can : To grow lazie and negligent dining way : use filch considerations as may ftirre you up, ROM.12. II. Tit. 2. 14. 12. Remember alwaies the worth of time, and greatneffe ofyour work, and therefore fo value time, as not negligentlie or flothfullie to foie a moment : it will quickly be gone, and when you are at the fail, you will better know its worth : harken to no temptation that will draw you to any trifling,abufing,wafting ofyour precious time; f thou haft no argument againft thy (ports , trifling pleafures, &c. but thi5',it lofes mytime,take it for a greater argument then if itlofe thee thy monie, friends,or any thing in the world:efpeciallievalue the preciottleft ofyour time,your youth,your morning hours efpeci- ally theLords daydofe not anypai t of it,but improve it,but improve it with your felves and families:lofenot a moment of theLords day, any of thy precious time thou canft (pare and redeem : if thou haft nor loft any,be humble for it,and be careful to redeem the reft: look back,do you approve of the time that is paft? could you not have fpent it better? remember what you have loft, let that quicken you; look before you, remember what is to be done , and do that firft which mull be done, and then leave trifles to that time you have to fral e : it is ignorance and idleneffe, and not want of work that nal;es.any think they have time to fpare, Eph.5.16.a.4.5. 13. Make a careful choice ofyour companie ; youcannot travel. well toHeaven alone,efpecially when may have companie,thruft not your felves into every company, Eph.5. 7. converfe as muchas you can with thole that will help you, that are warm when you are cold, knowing when you are ignorant, believing when you are doubtful, &c. efpecially for your conftant companions , live with thofe that will be a frequent help to you: Mailers chufe the bell fervants that fear God ; fervants, chufe to live with thofe that will help you in the fear ofGod; for Husbands andWives make choice of thofe that will intend upon Religion; take heed of being unequally yoaked, andofthinking to get well toHeaven, while you prefume to unite your felves with thole that with great advantage will hinder not help your falvation. 14. Keep a conftant ,guard upon the tongue, efpecially take heed of thofe common fins that difgrace bath not driven out of the world, but have got force kind of credit amongft fomeprofeffors: namely