Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Preached Augurt 17. the Son, being God equal with the Father; butheretis attributed to God: and therefore, when the Scripture would fpeak with the greaten magnificence of the Power or God, it exprefies it thus, That Foxer which -rayed 'Jervis Chris7 from the dead. When Chrift wrought deliverance for the loft world, (ail thole who were committed to his charge) This could be no leffe than thework ofan Infinite Pow- er. And upon this account alto, it is very proportionable to the defign of the ApoIlle ; for that Prayer he makes toGod is, for that which only can beaccomplifhed by infinite Love, and infinite Pow- er, i. e. to make the Chriftian Hebrews perfeEt in everygoodworkto dd his will. I come to a further dercription. He that.brought again front the dead [our Lord jecusl The Title of the Lord jerus, was only given to our Saviour after his Refiirre& ion ; he was called Lord before, and Jefus before; but there two Titles were never united sill after his Peelurreaion ; They came to fee theplace where-the body of Lord . Jefus lay; the reafon was this, Becaufe the RefariT6tion of Chrift was a folemn Proclamation to the world, that dhrift wa-s the Sonof God. Tis true, this Title was given to him immediately upon his. Conception, but it was never compleatly declared to theworld, till after his Refinre&ion ; for before, Chrift was a Prince in difguife, the beams of his Divinity was abated by the 1411 of his Humanity 5 but then he was declared by power to be the Son ofGod. It follows, [Thatgreat Shepheard of the Sheep.] 'Fbr the opening of this, I. We will confider this Title of Chrift. 2. The perfon for whom this Title relates. This Title, [Thegreat Shepheard.] awonderfid cori- defcention in Chrift, that hewill take upon-him the Title o9a Shep- heard, that which rather expreffes Love and Care, than Pewter and Dominion ; yet he is pleated to alliime this Title, to exprers his af- fe6iion to us. For the opening of it, wherein he appears to be the great Shepheard, I fEall lay down there particulars. a. He is, great in the Dignity of his perfon ; for, he that is Lord of Angels, is become the Shepheard of the Sheep ; and the humiliation of h's perfon in this rerpea, is the exaltation of his Office ; It is look- ed upon in the world as a mean and low employment, to have the care and infpeecion of a Flock ; but now, herein appears the love of Chrift, he was pleated tobecome-our Shepheard, that fo he might fectu e and bring us to the Fold ofHeaven, and there make us to feed upon those paRures, and to,drink of thole_Ri.vers'ofpleafure which flow from the pretence of God. 2. In