Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

- Mr. Lyes Prayer. /83 melt us but the love of6 hrift; nothing can 'often us but the blood. ofChrift Oh with-hold not thy mercies from its, Oh help us to eat the l'offeover with bitter hearbs let us l ok on Ch, ift, andweep- over him, let us look on a Cheift, with broken hearts and on a NI eding Chrill, with bleeding hearts : let us ntiuret fdr our 4i: ingenuity; that we Jhould grieve that God tbsst is airrajes gOingus good. Oh humble, us for our unkindnefs, andfor Chriftsfake blot out our trangreginer, they-ate more than we can number, not more than God can pardon. [hough we have tiff the duty ofChildren,thils haft not loft the goodnefs ofa Father, let zrr be held forth at-patterns ofmercy, f (hall we trumpet forth thepraye to all eternity, what ever agliaions thou laye(t upon our bodies, let not our fins be unpardoned, let not fin and ag1Clinz be together upon us, let there be peace in heaven, andpeace in the Court ofConfeience, we have fatted thjs part ofthi word true in the world we thall have trouble, let ur find the other part true, in Jens Chrift we [hall have peace. Oh let peace and h7linels togetber make us new creoures,that we may be glori,ate creatures ; withoutfaith, Chri( will not profit : when at can call nothing in ;he world ours; let us call chri(tours. f,ord, draw thine Imeteeee every day more lively upon us : a more lively hope, and a more inflamed love toChriff. Let us have a fitirit ofcourage andref. lotion, keep usfrom thefallacies ofner own hearts, keep us from the defile- ments ofthe times, make us pure in heart that we-fee God, that we may have Gofpcl fpirits, bumblefpirits, meek)pirits ; sr Chrifr did take our flefh, let uspartae of hisfpirit, Why d-11. thou imbitter the breaft of the creature tows, but that wefbouldfind the fweetnefs oftbe peomfes ? there is as much in the promife r as ever, let us live upon God, let us cart anchor inHeaven, and we (hall neverfink. Shaun iwn thy bleffings, (even the chyee(t of them) upon the head and hea t ofeur dread Soveraign, Cha !es by thy appointment ofEng. land, Sc )tland, France, and Ireland King, Defender of thefaith : Let him lee wherein his chiefell interefl lies : let him coma tbofe his beg fub- jeEis, that are arifis : Biel, him in hid r Confort, in his royal Relati azs : the Lords of his privy Councel, let them be a terrour to evildoers, and en agersoftbop that do well. Fiefs all thine Ordinances to use make them to be fulnefe oflife to every one before thee: we are come this day to partake of them, Ohpoure in wine and oyl into ourfuels: let us be asa watered Garden: let this blefired Sacra- ment be .a pollen to our luf andnourirhmentfor our grace. Here us, be our God, follow us with mercy, crown us with acceptance, and allfor ChriA hisfake, whom notliving we love, in whom beleevingwe rejoyce : to Chrift with thee, and the holy Spirit be glory, honour, and praife now andfor ever, Amen.. Lycs .