Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

1284 Mr. Lyes Firm S EKM0N, Allgufl, 17, Phil. 4. 1. Therefore my brethren, dearly beloved,- and longedfor, my j'y and crcwn, ftand fall in the Lord, my dearly beloved. Y Beloved, I do very well remember, that upon the 24. of this inflant moneth, in 1651. I was then un- der the fentenee of banifhruent ; and that very thy did I preach my farewel sermon to my people from whom I was bani- fbed, becaufe I would not (wear againft my King, having fworn to maintain his juft power and Honour, and greatnelS.; and now behold a fecond trial ; then I could not for fwear my fell, the God ofHeaven keen me that I never may. I am apt to think I could do any thingf ,r this lovitri a congregation, only I cannot fin. But fence, beloved, there is afentence gone out again{} us, that we that cannot fithicribe, mull notfidbfift ; this is the IA day that is prefix'd to us topreach : I (hall now fpeak to you (God affifting me) if my paffion will give me leave, itifl as if I would fpeak, ill were immediately todye ; therefoie harken my Brethren, dearly beloved, and lonidfor, my Joy andCrown, f ft-and Aft in the Lordmy dearly beloved. Paul was now a Prifoner at Rome for the Goipel of Chrift ; 'twas his fecond imprifonment ; and he was not far from being offered up a facrifice for i heGofFel he had preach'd. This Gofpel the Philippians bad heard him preach, and the godly Phi® lippians having heard of his imprifonment, they fent fo far, from Philippi toRome, tovifit him, and tortipplv his wants. A grad- ous temper, which I hope dle eternel Godhth given the Saints in London, and for which, iffor any thing, God hash a bleffing in (lore for them. Paul is not fo much concern'd in his own bands,- as in the Philippians date: Epapbreditus tell him that there were Herefies, and falfe Do&rines got in amongft them,but yet the Phi: lippians flood faft and herein Paul rejoyces, writes this Epittle, bids them go on, (land faft, keep their ground, and to be fure not to give an inch, but to thud fait, knowing that at a long rung. their labour fhould not be in vain in the Lord. .1 (half without any rrore adoe enter upon the Text.: in which you have, two things conficlerable. A aloft melting Compellation, and a moll ferious Exhortation. 1. A.melting