Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Mr. Lyes Firft Sermon, Aug. 17. .18 5 i. A melting Compellation, my brethren dearly beloved, &c. a. A fet ious Exhortation, and in it a. the matter oftheduty, eland, and fland it out, and ftand fait. 2. Themanner. a. So, [land fo as you have ft-od, Itand fait : 2. in the Lord, [land fo, andRand in the Lord, in the Lords ffrength, and in the Lords cattle : to rfand in your own firength would be the ready way to fal and Eland in your own caufe, for your own fancy, would be the ready IA ay to expofe your (elves to all manner ofTemptations : Therefore my brethren, dearly beloved in the Lord, Hand, andf5ftandfall in the Lord, my dearly beloved, in the next place, by wayofobfervation from the words : and e be any wicked cam ers here, let them know, that I (halt fpeak no more then /fhall draw from,and is the mindofmyText: I would not give occation to be a greater fufferer then Lam like to be., But for thewords. Fir ft, for the melting Compellation my Brethren, my dearly be- loved. Paul was an Apoffle, andan high officer in the Churchof God : and he writ unto the Philippians, to all thePhilipians, to the pooreft ofthem, and fee how he befpeaks himfelf to them [my Brethren.] From hence take this obfervation, That the higheft fficers in the Church ofChrift, though they are indeedby office Rulers over them, yet by relation they are no more then brethren to the meaneft Saint. Here we have no fuch Rabbies towhom we mutt fwear, beca tree they fay we mill} fweat it. Paul calls themBrethren, and fo writes to them, Gal.' 2. and 7times a Scriptural officer, one ofthe higheft' Apoftles thrift ever made, faith Hearken my beloved brethren, yam 2 5. fo Peter, an Apoftle ofChrift, wherefore the rather Brethren: and John the beloved Difciple. Brethren, Iwrite no new Commandementx&c. a john 2.7. well then, a. If this be fo, that the higheft Office in the Church, filch as Chr ift approve of; ate but brethren to the meinefi Saint, then certainly they are but bretbren to their fellowOfficers : if no more re- . lation to the to in the body, then no more to the eyes. If there be any ofa light fpirit would bear rule, tha love to have prehe minen c,iwould defire them toread twoScriptures : the firft is Luke22. 26. the fecondkfat.26. 27. cloth Guilt fa.y, wboioever will be chiefamongytu, let bim be one`that Willdorninter over your Eftates, over your perfons,over your coniciencei dbrh not hrirt fay fo? No, but wbofiever will be chief amongyou let him In rtir B b frimdfer,