Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

73'2 Mr. Caryl' s Sermon, That which Chrift laid of the Lilly, Solomon in all his glory was not arayed like one of thefe, fo may I fay ofthe Lilly-white foul that keeps binifelf white in the World, who keeps himfelf white in matter of praffice, andworfhip, Solomon in allhis glory was not a- rayed like one of thefe Lilly-white ones ! Oh the rivers of Confola- tions that Howes to them, that keep theinfelves out of the puddle Of this world I Ifyou keep your felves from the puddles of the World, from the dung of the world, ye fhall have rivers of joy flowing into your fouls. I may fay to all fuch,as Solowon faith,Eccej. 9. Go thy way : it is a familiar (peaking to them ; Go thy way bleed foul, eat thy bread with joy, though the world feed thee with the bread of adverfity, and though the world give thee no- thing but the water of affliecion ' yet let thy garments be alwayes white ; though the world cloth thee in mourning, and caufe thee to prophefie in fackcloth with the Witneffes, yet beof good com- fort. 0Lilly-white foul, for Godnow accepteth thy works ; now drink thy wine with a merry heart, thy labour, thy ambitious la- bour is that,whether prefent or abfent, thou mayeft be accepted of him, thou haft the fruits of thy labour, the Lord accepts thy works, therefore rejoyce in it. Here is the happinefs of thole who keep themfelves clean from a defiled,and a defiling World. 2. This point gives us an account why the fervants of Chrift Rand fo ftriOtly upon their terms with the World, even while force call it peeviihnels, others ignorance, others wilful ftubbornnefs. What is the reafon ? the reafon is, becaufe they underftand in fomemeafure, and have had experience in fomemealure, what it is to walk in fome meatiire with Chrift in white, and it bath left fuch a telifh upon their fouls, that they would not lofe it for all the daintyMorfels of this World; they had rather indeed walk with Chrift in white, then walk in the World in fcarlet ; therefore they mutt fiand upon their terms, Prov. to. 32. The lips of the righteous knowwhat is acceptable : The lips are inflrurnents of Speech, not fa- culties of Knowledge. Ay, but there is a great deal of commerce and converfe between the Speechand the Underftanding ; and a righteous man will fpeak nothing with his lips, but what he under - ftands; therefore he is laid to underftand. The lips of the righ- teous know what is acceptable: To whom ? The lips of the righte- ous know what is acceptable to God, for they are acquainted with his Rule, and God bath (hewed them his Covenant, he bath (hewed them the patternof his Houle, and the way of his Worfliip : now becaufe they are prettywell skilled, and knowwhat is acceptable to God, therefore they will run any hazard, undergo anyafflietion, rather