Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. z AnExpof tion upon the ,hookof J O F. verf: 8. Secondly, Myfrvant, by way of fpecial right and propeiry ; fo.yob and all godly perfons are called Gods fervants : Firíl, by the right ofelection they are Gods chofen fervants,asPavi is call- ed s chofen vejfel, that is, a chofen fervant, to carry the name of God. 2. They are Gods fervants by the right of purchafe ; my fervant whom I have bought and purchafcd : So in i Cor. 6. Tote are bought with aprice, be not the fervants of men 5 that is , ydu are bought with á price to bemy fervants,therefore be not theTer- vants ofinen in oppofition to ine,or to my differvicein any thing. So lobwas Gods fervant by way of purchafe. God buyeth every one of hisfervants with the bloodofhis Son. Thirdly, My fervant, by way of Covenant job was Gods Covenant= fervant,God and he had (as it were) Pealed Indentures, yob entered into Covenant with God, that he would perform the duty ofa fervant; and God entered into Covenant with him,that he should enjoy the priviledge ofa "fervant. Now that which is Gods by right ofCovenant, is his by fpecial right. Then again, We may further underhand this, and all fuch like expreffions : When God faith, myfervant, he doth as it wete glory in his fervant.God (peaks ofhim, as ofhis treafure, nzyfervant ; as aman doth of that which he glorieth in. As the Saints glory in God,when they life thisexpre(lion,My God,and my Lord,my Mafer, and my ChriJt,this is a kindof glorying and tryumphing iii God. So this expreffion carrieth fuch a fenfe in it , Raft thou not confidere.i my fervant Job ? There is one that I have honour by, one that I rejoycc and glory in,one that I can (peak ofwith much snore then content, even with tryumph, myfervant Job : There's a man. It is amans honour to be Godsfervant, and God thinks him/elf honoured by the fervice of man. It was once a curie, and it is-a great cwrfe Rill to be thefervant offervants, as it is faid of Cham ; Gin. but it is an honour,thegreat honour of the creature,to be a fervant 9 to God. He that is a fervant ofChrifl, is not only free, but noble. And Chrifl reconeth that he bath not only work done him, but honour done himby his willingpeople, and therefore he glories in Piny Ruch, myfervant. Myfervant Job. There is fomewhat alto to be confidered in that. When God (peaks of his people by name, it noteth two\things in Scripture. Firft, A fpecial care that God bath over them. Secondly, a fpecial love that God bath to them. John i o. 3. 97