Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. t, An Expofition upon the Bookof JOB. ,Verf. 9. 105 deed that yo fears God, but the latter words embale the former, and fatten infincerity upon all his fervices. Doth Jobfear Godfor nougbt ? Fear is worth nothing , unlefs in this fenceit be for nought. I have already Chewed you what .it is to fear God, I Mall now clear theother term, and thewhow much evil Satan charges Job with, when he queftions, Doth Job fear God for nought ? Satan accúfathwith a queflion, Doth Jobfear Godfor nought ? Thequeftian may be refolved into this accufation; yob cloth not fear God for nought. The word which we translate for nought, hath a three-fold fence from the Hebrew. Firít, Some render it invain, Doth Job fear God (frufira) in vain.We are then faid to doa thing in vain,when wecannot attain the end which we propofe in doing ofit. The Egyptians help in vain; that is, they cannot procure that falvation and deliverance hich was defired or intended ; and fo the fence here may be, )oth jobfearGod invain? No, he cloth not, he hath his end, he looked for riches,that heintended in taking up the fervice of God, and that he hath attained. Secondly,. It is interpreted by without caufe, Doth Job fear God without caufe ? fo the word is tranflated, Val. 35. 7. where iDavid complaining ofhis enemies, faith, Without cauf é have they hidfor me their net in a pit, which without'caufe they have dig- edfor myfoul : As ifhe fhould fay, I never gave them any caut& why they íhould lay fnares for me, Inever wronged or hurt any of them. .According to this fence, when Satan faith, Doth jobfear Godfor nòtight ? namely, without caufe, it is as ifhe had laid, the Lord bath given job reafon enough, he hath given him caufe enough todo what he cloth ; job feeth reafon in his Flocks,and in his Heards,in his manyChildren and in his great Houlhold, in his Subftance,and in his honour he feeth reafon in all theee, why he íhouldfear God,and be á veryobedient fervant,having fo bounti- ful a Mailer. Doth Jobfear God without caufe? Or thirdly, The word is tranflated lay Gratis- (as we exprefs it, )to do a thinggratis, that is, to do a thing without any re- ward, withcot anyprice, or without pay. ,I íhall infiance Scrip- tures wherein the word is rendred in t hat fence, Gen.29. t 5.Laban faith to Jacob when-he was come to him to ferve him, Thou are my kinfrnan, _Jhonldff thou therefore ferve me for nought? that is, thouldit thou ferve me gratin, or without wages, as he ex- p plains DJn