Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

.L4 Chap. a. An Expo_tien upon the Boom, of J O B. Verf. a r benefits, but all theprofeffion of fob is grounded only upon the outward benefits, therefore it is unfound. Path. job ferve God for nouz,ht ? This is the ftrength of Satans Argument. Now he per- ceiving the weaknefs, or rather indeed the falfenefs, the extream lye that was in the Minor,in theAffiamption(namely,that thepro- feffion and holinefs of fob was grounded only upon outward things;)he (I fay, perceiving that) ticks to confirmwhat he had affirm'd by his motion. Ifyou doubt (faith he) whether it be fo or no, with job, let that come to the tryal, touch all that he bath, and hewill curie thee to thy face. The ftrength of the reafon that lies in the motion may be thus conceived;that profèffion is ground- ed upon outward things which a man layes down,when outward things are removed and taken away ; but if thole outward things be removed and taken away from fob, he will quickly lay down his profellion, yea he will take up blafphemy, he, will curie thee to thy face ; therefore the profcfrion of Job is grounded upon out- ward things. This now is the Logick or the Reafon, upon which Swan bottoms and infers this motion, that fo he may bring yob upon a further tryal. Putforthshinehandnow.. 311-111 The Hebrew is,fend forth thy hand. To put forth the hand; fignifies, fometimes to help, and fometimes to hurt. So in Pfal. 144. 7. Sendforth thine hand and deliver me. There is a fending forth the hand in a way of mercy. And fo AlL4.3o. there Peter prayeth that Chrift wouldftretch forth his hand to heal. So that firetching forth, or fending forth, or putting forth the hand (for the words are all ufed in common to the fame fence)fignifie to do á thing for our good and prefervation :. But ufually this putting forth, or Jlretchingforth of the hand, notes forme afflic` ion,. forme punifhment. Aman that ftandeth with his hand flretclredout, is in a pofture to ftrike. And fo God himfelfisoften: defcribed by having his hand firetched forth, when he is aboút to punifh, as in the Prophetic oflfaiah divers times, Chap. 5. 25. Therefore is the anger of the Lordkindled againfi his people, and he bath ffretched forth his hand againJI them, andhathfii itten them:: and Chap. 9. three time's : Verfe r 2. For all this his anger is not turned away, Ezk,.'r6. 14. bu t his hand is firetchedout (till : and toat the i7; Verfe, and at the 21 Verfe, His anger is not turned away, but his hand. is tretchedoutfrill; that is, the Lord is í1i11 fmiting and affliEting them..