Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

if Yerf. I. An Expofition upon the Book of j O B. Chap. i. right life,and the fear of God in your inward parts,and a holy tur- ning againft every evil, your lot is fallen in a fair place, and you have a goodly heritage : they that have this, need not be difcon- tentcd at their own, or envious at the condition ofany other, they have the principal Verb, the one thing neceffary. Again, when God def ribeth a gracious man, you fee he goes thorough , he lets himforth in every thing that concerns his 1pi- rimal eltate, Perfell and upright fearing God, and efcheiving evil, From hence, this alto in the general, 2. Where-one Grace is, there is everyGrace. Grace is laid into the Soul , in all the parts of it, and there is .fomewhat ofevery Grace laid into the Soul. We have nbt one man one grace, and another man anothergrace ; but every man bath every grace,that bath any grace at all. I do not fay thatevery man hath every grace : or that the fame man hath every grace in the farneheightand degree : Grace in fome is more eminent then in others,and the fame man may have one grace more eminent then another,hemay have one grace(like Saul among the people)higher by head and fhoulders then the refit in his throng ofgraces;yet that man bath'fomewhat ofevery grace that hath any grace, all grace goes together. Thus in the general. Particularly : This man was Perf el. That is, (as- we have explained it) he was fincere and plain-hearted. Obferve from hence : .a. It is fincerity that efpecially commends us unto God. As lob's Graces are preferr'd in his defcription before his riches ; fö lance- city is preferfd before all his other graces. Sincerity is that which makes us fo acceptable and pleating unto God : He was a man that was perfect, you fee that is put in the firll place. And indeed whatfoever a man bath betides, be a man never fo jolt in his dealings, could you fuppofe a, man worthipping God in all his Ordinances, and avoiding all manner ofevil, yet if there be doubling and falfriefs in his fpirit, all is call off, all is re- jeeted of God as abominable. Therefore here the foundation is laid, here is the bottomGrace, Perfection, Sincerity. Whether it be a diftinOr grace,or whether it be that which doth accompany every grace, and gives it life and beauty in the eye of God (for my own part I conceive Sncerity is not properly a díflina grace, but the perfe`tion of every grace) it is that which ddth coffin-rend a ri,ìi; intro .("rod. 'Chrift tells theAngel of the Church of Sardis,