Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

36 Chap. i. An Expofition upon the Book of j O B. Vtrf. z, job had many fops and daughters likewife, thismade the bleffing more compleat. And then laflly ebferve this, Children, many Children in the Family, are in themfelves no impediments, either of Piety towards God , or jufiice toward man. As loon asJob was defcribed in all his perfeêtions, it is added he had fa many Ions, and fo many daughters 5 though he had fo many children to look to,and provide for, yet he omitted neither duty toward God, nor duty toward man. There are many who think it fome excufe, ifnot excufe enough for their neglef, for their ileighting holy duties,orIleightnefs in theholy duties ofhear- ing, praying, and the like; Oh,they have a great many children, and they mull rife early, and they mull work late,they çan fpare no thue,or but Iittle,for the publickor private, or fecret worship ofGod;fpecially for any thing that isextraordináry:fo that thefe cares deal away,not only thofe times that might be bellowed in anextraordinary manner upon their Souls, but even the ordinary times are loin away by them alfo. Further, fome think them- felves by this inpart excufed for their injuftice toward men; they have a great family,and if they deal fotnewhat hardly, and flick as dole as they can in all bufneffes,they may be born with , for they have a great many children, and theymull look to provide for them,they elfe were worfe then Infidels, and hence they take liberty to do what honefl Infidels were afhamedof Job you fee was upright, thoughhe had fomany fons and fo many daughters to provide for.It is ill with thofe,whofe gain for their children is any lofs to their fouls;but wo,wheu any to gain for their children, Ink theirSouls: doing like thofe in Nahum 2. 12. The Lyon did teer inpeiees enough for bis whelps, and Jírangled for his Lyon- neffes, andfilled his holes withprey, and bar dens with rapine. By theLyon there is meant thofe oppreffors, that lived inNineveh ; and by their Whelps aremeant their Children ; and by Lyoneffes their wives ; they had wives and children, and they mutt shave means and elates for them. job, as I may fay, had whelps and a lyonefs, wife and children, yet hedoth not teer for them. Nay, though he had fo many to provide for,yet he rajher giveth out to others. VVhat hungry belly was not filledwith his meat? And what naked back was not cloathcd withhis wool?He did not fay, 1 have children to feed and to clothe,and therefore you canhave nothing.