Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. r. An Expofition upon the BookofJ OB. Vert 3. 37 nothing. You fee though he had many children, anda great charge, yet how compleat he was in his duty to God, and in his duty to mau, he failed not either in the duties of woríhip and holinefs,nor in the duties ofjufhce and uprightnefs.. Job I.3, 4, 5. His f bftance afo was feven thoufand Sheep, and three thoufandCamels, and five hundred yoke of Oxen, and five hundred¡he Afjès,and a verygreat houfhold3fo that this manwas thegreat eft ofall the men oftheEaft. And hisSons went andfea, led in their boufer,. everyone his day, andfeatandcalledfor their three Sifters, to eat and todrinttwith them. And it was fo,mhen the days oftheirfeaflingweregone a bout,that Job fentandfantiified them,and rafe up early in the morning,andofferedburntofferings,aecording to the number of them all,&c. HeHoly Ghoft having (hewed us the qualitiesofJob's per f n, in the. firft verfe, the Olive plants roundaböiet his Table (be- Píal. 127.4, 5. ing the firfi outward bleffing) in the fecond : Now proceeds to thew allohis outward efìate, his flock of Cattel, His fubftance was feven thoufandSheep, &c Concerning the outward efiate of Job, we may note in this trd verfe. i.The feveral kinds of his flock, Sheep, Camels, Oxen, and Ares. 2. The feveral numbers of eachof thefeltinds : Seven th'oufaxel Sbeep, three thoufand Camels, &c. It is Paid, His fubfiance war (even thoufand Sheep, &c. We in our language, call the eftate ofa than bisfubftance,, and a rich manwe call him afisbftantial man ; though indeed' riches are but external and accidental,yet they are called the fubftanceofa man, . becaufe theymake him fubfift and ftandby himfelf,he needs trot theprop and help ofothers. The word here in the Hebrew, which we tranflate fubftance,is 3 in different