Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

To the Chriflian Reader. are truely righteous andkeep clofe to God in righ- teous wayes.The fecund is ofthofe who being righ- teous in their f ate,have fallenfoulely in their way, with whomwe may alfo reckon fuch aI areyet in an unrighteous ftate,yetfhall beand at laft are con- verted and brought home to God. The third is of thofe who perfevere and obftinately continue in their wickedRate and wayes, (topping their eares, andhardning their bearts,both againft inftru5ion and correction. Elihufecmeth toput all thefe together (v.5, 6. ) Behold God is mighty and defpifet-h not any , he is mighty in flrength and wifdome,he preferveth not the life of the wicked, but giveth right to the poore. More diftiníily, Hefpeaks ofthe frit (v.7.) He (that is,God) with-draweth not Iris eyes from the righteous : but with kings are they on the throne, yea, he Both eftabliíh them for ever, and they are exa!- ted. He fpeakys ofthefecondfort v.8,9,1 o, i T . And if they be bound in fetters and holden in the cords of aflii5tion, then he fheweth them their worke and their iniquity, that they have exceed- ed. He openethallo their Bare to difcipline, and commandeth that they return from iniquity, &c. a a He