Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

To the Chriltian Reader. Hefpea&es ofthe thirdfort (v. t 3, i 4..) But the hypocrites in heart heap up wrath; they cry not .when he bindeth them ; they dye in youth, and their life is among the uncleane. Mire three f orts of men are dealt with by God according to their kind. The laß of them being altogether wicked and incorrigible, abide under wrathfor ever. Thefecondbeing in an evillfrateor having done that which is evill , yet humbling them(elves (throughgrace)and being betteredby their aßlì i- ons, are ufually reßored to a profperous efrate in this life,& in cafe they dy under affliElion,are al wayes crownedwith thebleffednefsofeternal life. TheFirßfort,walkingconßantly(humanefrail- ties excepted ) its their uprightneffe , are not only preferved inpeace, bitt receivehighfavours and fpeciall mark,es ofhonourfrom the bountifullhand` ofGod; which is true, efpecially according to the condition of thole times , wherein God didmore engage himfelfe to his faithfull fervants in pro- miles of temporali happinefs , thennow he doth in Gofpel tithes. Andyet even thefe, as now they are not, fo then they were not aiwayes exempted fromfufferings ; For as the fecond fort of righteous men are often aficledin a. way of chafiifement for their fins;