Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 3. An Expofition upon the Book of Jos. Verf. 3. 159 what they fpeak, (hall be pure truth. Their language fhall be,not onlyGrammatically pure, properand genuine,. but Theological- ly pure, without any tinaure of error in it. Secondly , As the word is taken( according to our tranflati- on ) Adverbially. Note. We ought to fpeake truth clearly. Some fpeake"cleare truths; who yet doe not fpeak them clear- ly. They fpeak great truths, yet obfcure them in their own way of expreilions ; they who; wrap up found dnarine in hard un- eouth words, or.deliver"it in an uniaeceflary multitude of words, doe ratherpuzzle and confound their Auditors, then enfonne or infiruó them. And they who fpeak not knowledge clearly, are like thofe who mud the waters, or raife dull in the ayre , which Will not let others fee diflinly what they hold or put in ei- ther. Speaking in darke words and fftange notions, is like freak= ing in a frratge language. They only speak p ofïtably, who fpeak clearly. We commonly fay, 7ruth feekes no corners, truthwould not be hid. What areobfeuce and ambiguous words, words ofa doubtful! conflru&ion and interpretation, but-corners, wherein many hide truth, while they pretend to fpeak and publifh ir. Such Cpeakers as wel as theywho fpeak in an unknowne language, are Barbarians to their hearers: And therefore as the Apof le in reference tò an unknowne tongue,fo fhottld we fay in reference to any covert or. obfcnre way of fpeaking`in our owne mother tongue, we had ratherfpeakfive word's that others may be edified,' then ten thoufandwords an hard sandfirange expreffions. Though we fpeak in a knowne language, yet doubtful! words hinder edifying as much asan unknowne language cloth ; yea Inch are as a forrei- ner to their hearers -while they fpeak in their -owne Co entry tongue :'Tis a fpeciall gift of God, to fpeak knowledge clearly. The Apofile hath left that excellent advicewith all who are cal- led t`o fpeak the great things of eternal! life, (z Pet. 9.. I r.) If any man fpeak ( that is, ifhe fpeak, about the things of God, di- vine things.) let himfpeakas. the Oracles of God. What are they ?. The oracles of God are the knownword of God. But how are thofe oracles to be known ? Surely as God fpake them, plainly and clearly3 Theoracles of God were fpoken without ambigui- ty,,