Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 3. An Expofition upon the Baok;of E. Verf. 4. 164 holy) works, (Eph: 2. I o.) fo we are his workmaníhip crea- ted to common and naturali workes. We have heard of that dr vine confulracionor refolution rather ( Gen: I. í6.) L'et ur MA! man : The Father made man, and the Sonmade man, and the ho- ly Spirit made man ; The Father by the Son , through the holy Spirit made man. What a glorious, what a mighty power is pur forth for the productionof fuch a Poore creature as man is And this is true, not onlyofthe fir(t man in his creation, but of every man face the creation, there is aconcurrence of adivine power and workmanfhip in the fetting up of man as man,. ( Pfal: 100. 3:) It ü be that made us, and not we our felves .; Goddoth not only make us holy men , but he makes us men,. Hence David ( Pfal: 13. 9-14) 1 am fearefully, and wonder- lolly made. He fpeaks there of the frame of his body, though that be much more true in reference to the admirable frame of the new creature which is fet up in the foule ; fo, indeedwe are fearefully and wonderfully made. (Ifa: 27. I I .) This 1s a peo- ple ofno underffanding ( But did God ever make a people without natural' under(+anding.? Surely no, but they were a people with- out fpirituall underftanding, they did not underhand what the mind, and meaning of Göd was, and what their owne duty was; Suchare apeople of nounderftanding, howWife foever they are in their owne eyes, or in the eyes of the world, what followeth ) Therefore he that made them will not have mercy, on them, and he thatformed them will (he;v them nofavour That is, God who made and formed rhefn, both in their naturall Capacity asmen, as alto in their civil' and fpirituall capacity as a Church and Na- don, or as a Nationall Church .( underhanding it of the (ewes ) will not have mercy on them, will not favour them. We read the fame Church atonce looking rood as their maker and molt earnefy moving and implo-ing his pity upon the fame account. (Ifa: 64. 8, 9. ) But nowO Lord, thou art our father, tie are the clay, and thouour potter, andwe all are the work of thyhand ; As if they had fayd, Thou Ohord, haft moulded us as thy creatures, and fail-domed us as thyChurch, when we were but a rudemaffe or heape without forme or comelinefs, therefore doe not marre thy owne'worke, doe not-breake the veffels of thine owne ma- king, or as it followed-) in the fame Chapter, Be notwrath very fore OLord, neither remember iniquity for ever, behold, we befeech thee, we are all thy people. Y 2 Hence