Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

áM ll,,t Ig Chap. 3 a. ain xpofition upon the Book, of J o B. Verf. z Firft, He that contents towhat another bath done ( though thedeed be evil!) jutlifieth him in doing ir. A fecret liking .of any mans anion is C as much as that amounts to ) the jutliication of his perfon. Secondly, He that openly approveth or applaudeth what ano; ther hath done, juflideth him much more. To . content with fiin nersis finfull, to Hatter them in their finis abominable. Thirdly, He that Bands uptomaintaine anddefend what ano- ther hath done, juflifieshim .moil of all: All thefe aCls of jut-1M- cation fob denied his fi lends, while he Paid ( Chap. 27. ç.) God forbidI fbould.ju ifieyou ; That is, that I should fecretly conCent toor openly, approve and maintaine what you have fiid concern- ing me; or you inPaying it. Fourthly, The fame man isPaid to jutlifie himfelfe ; this felfe juflification is that which kindled the wrath of Eli haagainfl Yob ; The text is exprefle ; Becauf e he juftifled himfelfe, &c. This jufli- ficationof our felves is of two forts. Firfl , Internall and mental!; when in our hearts we give fen tence for, or approve of our felves ; when ive inwardly boar+and glory of our felves,whether in what we are, or inwhat we doe and affirme. The Pharifee (LuIZ, 18. i t. )hood andprayed thus with himfelfe (or to himfelfe, that is, filently ) God I thanl¿e thee, that !amnet as other men are, extortioners, uniu l',adulterers,oreven as this Publicane ; 1 f4 twice in the weeke, &c. Thus he jullified himfelfe. Secondly , There is anexternal! and vocali felfe- juflification, when we openly commend, and Cry up our felves ; Thus fehu ju- flified himfelfe (z. Kings io. 16.) Come fee my zenit for the Lord ; He wouldneeds blowa trumpet, and proclaims before all men how good a man he ivas, and what good hehad done. Yet further, the juilification of our felves is-two-fold. Fir{I , Lawfull, yea and commendable ; Take that in two par- ticulars. Firfl, That man who is really and indeed in -a jutlified {late, through the free grace of God in - Chrifi, he, when a jut+occafion is offered, may luftiñe himfelfe declaratively before men ; For . as ive ought alwayes ro juflifie our felves declaratively by our works, that is, give evidence by our workes that we arc jutlif ed' by faith ; fo we may jutlifie out felves by our words, tomagnifie the ,