Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap.'32. Expofti®n open the Beek of J o B. Verf. implanted in man at his Creation,and though that power be much weakned and broken by the fall, yet there are, to this day, tom,; remaines of it in all men as borne into this world ;, Surely there is at rhrittinma.z; And becaufe the word is univerall, orextendable ó ;1l mcn,therefore it is more thenprobable the weirdfpirit here is to be taken in the largeh fence ; for every man hath not the Spirit of God : yea the word here nfed for Haan, notes maxi of.the níeaneh ranke or loweft forme ; furely there is a fpirit (inmoth Mr Broughton tranllates ) irfad man, in fickly man, in weak man, in the Gcklieft weakefl" and loweh of men there is a foule, a fpi is indeed with realen'; this is, as the fabftratum or ground of the whole bufinefl'e, Surely there is a fpirit in man. And the latter part of the verle, Elihu (heweth what that is which heighteneth raifeth and improveth this natural( lirit, certainly there is a fpi- rit inman, every manhach a reafcnabie foule. and the inrpiration of the .Almightygiveth anderftunding. inef? quieienz- Theworke of God inlightning man is exprefied by breathing ; hominibus vis when Jefus Chri(t gave his Difciples.the Spirit, he breathed up- ilia rationatrim on them, ( or infpired them ) andfaid, receive ye the holy Gho.f fedquu nits del efflátu d riga- i °ten 20.22. ; For, as in the liraCreation, when God gave tut, verefapere man a naturali being,he breathed into his noffrillr the breath oflire; nonpotef.Bez. and roan became a living fettle (Gen. 2. 7.) fo in the fecond or vttLt MPI newCreationGod breaths a fpirituall life into that life, and man 1:)W anhe- becomesa quickned foule ; And as his own foule is-quicknedby theholy Spirit of grace,fo he is fitted,asan infirument in thehand ofGod,to quicken the foules of others with grace , or toinftru&, them in the wayes of grace. The infpiration of the Almighty giveth underfianding. But bath not the reafonable foule of everyman an underfiand- ing ? . Doubtleffe it bath. Therefore I anfwer ; The underftand- ing may be taken two wayes ; Firft, for the facultie ; Secondly, forthe furniture and enrichings of it ; now though every man but an underltanding; yet every man hath not a furnifhed and an enriched underhanding, a beautified and an adorned under- Wading. The Scripture fpeakes oftome men as ifthey were no- thing but underfianding (Prov.1. 5 .) Awife man will tncrearfe know-