Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 a. 11i rácn upon the Bookof J o a. Verf. 9. theworld. As it is dangerousto follow the multitude (Exod. z3. 2.) the nmoff are ufually the wort+, and they who are evill, will leade to evill ; fo there is no following great ones blindfold, for even they are often blind, or( which is worfe) will not fee ; And-theywho either doe not or will not- fee their own way , may foone leade others out of the way, and turne them afide to that which is not good. Againe , This firtf part of the verfe ( Great men are not al- ,' svayes wife) is rendred by the Septuagint; men of many yeares, ex. 0t O ti- orareat in yeares, are not alwayes safe. The Original word may aapol rep, referto greatneffe;of age, which confiffs in having lived many yeares, . as well as to greatneffe of honour, which confifls in the enjoying of high _places and dignities. But I rather adhere to our tranflation , that the great men here intended are the Great ih power and place, not in yeares and dayes, thotigh it be a truth, - that fuch are notalwayes wife ; and ifwe take in that fencealfo, it is a further confirmation of the generali truth in hand, That wifdome is the gift of God-, and therefore thofemen are tt wayes wife, whom vve might molt probably looke upon asi For as we fee Great men, who have the advantage of meane education in learning, are not alwayes.the wifeff ; fo the aged, vvho have that great advantage of time and experience to ga- thervvifdome are not ; Both often come fhort in abilities of underflar ding and prudence; the former of their inferiors, the latter of their juniors. This is expreifè in the latter part of the verfe,and therefore needs no: be inferred from this firff.part of it,by way of interpretation ; Great men -arenot alwa}es wife, then followesthis disjunctivepropofition ; 'Neither doe the aged underffand fudgement ; or, that which is right. The word íi fhpat is taken two vvayes in Scripture ; firff, for the rule of Righteoufneffe ; Samueltold the people, the judge- ment or manner of the Kingdome, (t Sam: r o. 2 g. ") that is, how the kingdome fhould be ordered and governed, according to judgement and rules of righteoufneffe. Secondly,Suchan ac`fu- all Admini(fration as is according to that rule of righteoufneffe, is inScripture called judgement. The aged doe not alwayes underhand judgement in either notion; they doe not alwayes K + un-