Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

z 18 Chap. 3 5. e4 Expofitiora upon the Book of Jo s. Verf. a 5. We mull expound this Verfe in Connexion with the fatter part of the former. But now becaufe it is not fo. What is not fo ? what is miffing ? what is wanting ? Mat had fob done =ifs ? or what had he miff to do ? Flies feems to anfwer, he hath miff the doing of that duty to which he::was moved in the clofe of the fore-going Verfe, exprelfed in thofe words, The thou inhim, or wait uponhits : But now becaufeit u not fo ; that is, Becaufe thoudoll not put forth fuch aels of holy confidence, and patient waiting upon God as thou oughrefl, and as I admonilhed thee to do, therefore God isengaged, and even compelled to treat thee thus roughly and feveely, He hath vifited in his anger. As if he had laid, Though thou hafi profef fed a trufl in God, yet thou doff not trufl in him fully,as becomes thee , yea, thou feeniefl fometimes (as a man forlorn) to cafi upthy hopes;therefore,becaufe thou dots not trult in him,becaufe it is not fo as I haveexhorted and dire&ed thee, the Lord bath vifited in anger. Mr. Braughton renders, But nowfor miffing, his angerdoth vifit. For miffing that is , for miffing of duty, or for not a&ing up to duty, for not trufling fully in the Lord, the Lord bath vifited thee in his anger. This fenfe is obvious and commodious according to our reading. But now becasfe it is not Homo tentatur fo et in examen a"ocatur ut pro- He bath vifited inhis anger, or flrielly, his anger bath vifited ; betur ejusfpes et patientia ; That is, God faith heavily afflieled thee. God is far from all quandoquidem pillion andperturbationof mind, only he is faid tobe angry, or to (OWillanon vifit in his anger, when he doth that which anger produceth a- craw, invaftt mot,men when he calls 'down and puniffieth, when he lays his odir,et mooli- handforely upon the Creature, then he is faid to be angry, then cur peccar.m, Nió Anger bathviftted. The word notes quick breathing in the etiam in is, Wollrils ; anger appears,or ventsit felf there ; as it is faid of guoaditigir,er Paul when Surd (A&s 9. i.) AndSaul yet breathing out threat- fiexi mu s andfiaughter agarnfi theDi fcipler ofthe Lord, went unto the taxime: Cot. g' High Frielf. You might fee anger, as it were foam, yea flame out 'GDR 1 ? of his mowth, and evaporate at his-, noflrils. Thus faith Elihu,t araejou' vita- Becaufe it is notfo, hú anger vu. Math