Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap.35. anExpofstion upon the Bo®kof Jo B. Verf, 15. 119 Hathvifited. To yip, is properly to go to, and fee any perfon whom we re- fpe&and love ; thus we vifit friends in civility and courtefie. Secondly, Tovifit isan a& ofpity and mercy ; and thus we vi- fit the tick, the widdow, and the fatherleffe (fames 1.27.) PMre Religion, andundefiled before God, and the Father, is to vifit the fatherlejfeand widows in their affiillion; that is, to go to than in pity, either for the fupply of their wants by our purfe, or for the comforting of their heartsby our counfel. Thirdly, We vift in care, as well as in kindneiíe, that is, when we go to our Families or Flocks, or placesof charge, wherefoever they are, and fee thar,or whether, all things are well and right with them, . or well, and rightly done towards them, according to the tules that fuch perlons under our charge ought toaft, and live by Thus in Colledges and Hofpitals, there is a vitiation of care, tomake enquiry of perlons intruff, aboutperfons and things un- der their trait. To the Point in hand ; there is a twofold vititation of God. Fill}, He vifits in loveand mercy, (Rubs. r ,6.) Thenfhe (that is Naomi) arofewithher Daughter sn Law, that *might reciàrn from the Countrey ofMoab, for fhe had heard in the Cosentreyof Moab, how that the Lord hadvifited his people in giving them bread. That is, Godhad (hewed them kindneffe and mercy in relieving them from that devouring famine. Again, (Gen. 2 I. 6.) And the Lordvifited Sarah, as behad dPaid ; that is, he gave her the promifed mercy ofa Son. Once more, (Luke t.6g.) `Rleffed be the LordGod ofIfrael, for hebath ve/ited, and redeemed his People ; and that's a bleffed vifiration indeed, which brings redemption. Thus the Scripture often (peaksof Gods vitiation in mercy. Secondly, There is a vitiation of God in anger, wrath and judgement. The Law faith (Exod. ao. 4, 5.)Thota (halt not make: to thyfelfanygraven Image, &c. Thou !halt not bow donea thy felf to them, nor ferve them ; for I the Lord thy Godam a jealcioe God, vifsting the iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children, Unto the third andfourth Generationof them that hateme : That is1_7' unifl:- ing the iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children, ihefe Chit,- drencontinuing in their Fathers ways, to do finfully ; fuch Chil- dren