Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

'Chap. 36. tin Expofition upon the Book of J o a. Verf. ç. r 6 t ( and Ohow mighty is God l ) in the{union of thefe two powers ; and to let forth yet further the wonder of his might, I (hall give you feaven brief prepofitions, or affertions,concerning the might of God , as is is twitted and made up of chefe two mig cs or powers. Firif, He is fo mighty both in firengch and power, that ail the might which is in the creature, all the Legiflarive might, and all the Executive might, all the Authoriry, and all the ability which is in any man, is from him, and by him ; that's ir, which is laid, ( Pro. 8. i 5. ) By me Kings reigre, andprinces decree 7ufice they have both their Authority, and their power to execute that Authority fromme; every kind and degree of might (whatfoe- ver it is) is but a derivation,a rivole.r,from the Might and Power of God, that's the fountaine,the fpring of all. Secondly, Behold the mightinefs of God, as in giving, fo in taking away power,whether the power of authority or of firengc-h, from the fons of men ; He taketh away might from the mighty. Sometimes fuch power, fuch authority, fuchcommand is put into the hands ofothers, that they who put it there, know not how to get it out again, but are mattered and over power'd with the-ve- ry power, which they trufi others with ; but fuch is the might of God,that whatever might of authority or ffrength he bath trulleel ©r loathed anyof the Princes or Powers of this world with, he can prefently cake it out of their hands again, ( Pfal. 7 s . 7;) God is the judge , he putteth down one, andfeeteth up another; and it is aseafie with him to put down,as it is to fer up ; as he can make the weak firong, fo he can prefently make the firong weak; this is theglory of the might of God, he can take away power, as well as give ir. Thirdly , Behold, God is Weighty for , he car. do whatfoever pteafeth here; Certainly, he is Almighty char can do fo ; He whole power runs paralel with his will , he who can a& as far as he de- fires, how mighty is he l none of the mighty ones of this World can do this. Oh what work would fome men ?hake in the world, if they could do as much as they delire, if their power li:ould al- wrayesextend,as far as, or be commenfurate with their LVill; yet Elms it is with God. The Scriptures of truth are clear in ir, ( Pfd. s a 5. 3.) where, when fome prophane wretches had fcolfed and jeered the people of God, wi -Fh where is your'G,d á Y they