Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

rib Chap. 38. an Expofitiora upon the Book of j o a. Verf. he fpalfe it as angry with the fea. Asif he, had faid , I fee what a raging creature thou art, what a froward ungovern'd child thou art Iike CO prove; therefore I fay,bitherto /hagthou come,and no furthers We may take this faying of the Lord , under thefe two notions. Fielirrei , ri fi; I , As expref trg the firmnefs of what was done ; Hefaid, protèrmirìo that is, refolved,'determined, and concluded , made it a Law, 1usr,R1 °P1"' a Law like that of the t8Leder and 'Perfan, , not to be reverfed ret, Ezek. 4T. 15. ¡Ur;reRo . by anypower. Secondly He [aid , as noting the facility of the work. When ,ur hoc tld' ue. the Lord cook a courIe to [hut up thefe doors, and to put on thefe ti.t. invincible bars , what did he ? He laid it , and it was as loon done as faid ; fo that this word Helaid , notes the infinite love- raigntyand power of Cod, that by aword (peaking the matter was done ; He [aid Hitherto [halt thou come, The Lord gives the fea line ; He makes it a prifoner , but not a dole prifoner ; He gives is a great (cope, large room to role and tumble its waves in; Hitherto thou (halt come, that is, hi- therto thou mai1f come. It is not a Command that the fea [hould alwayes come fo far , but it is a difpenfation or a permifíion, that thus far the fea may cone, but no further. As if the Lord had faid , I have drawn a tine , and 1 have let a mark,, Ihave given thee a bound fo far to go, hitherto (salt thou come, But nofurther. l a;,bi Levi. The Hebrew is , Thou (halt not add ; Thou (halt not go beyond the bound which I have fet thee , to dearoy the earth. A Jew- a'a Writer gives a double expofition of this, But nofurther. pirlI , Of the waves and the waters in the midfl of the fear When waves rife in the main, ocean , how high they may rife and tofs the failing Chip , we cannot tell ; but God knows. Secondly , Of the waves roaring at the fea-Chore. To bothhe faith , Hitherto fhall ye come, and nofurther. and here 'hall thy proud waver be flayed. Why Both the Lord call them proudwaves ? it is not becaufe they are proud properly , but by a Metaphor ; they lift tip their heads as proud men do and are therefore called proudwives. Thus