Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. AnExpo¡îteon upon tbeBoo&of J0 B. Verf.12. light of life ; and therefore faith peremptorily without ifs or ands (Pfal. 30. 5.) weeping ( f o r)my uf e but joy (or fnging) cometh in the morning : that's a morning in a morning. We may have a morning of Sun light , and nomorn- ing of joy-light , as the Lord threatned his people in cafe of dif- obedience (Dent. 28. 6, 7.) In the morning thoufhalt fay, would God it were even ; andat even thou (halt jay, would God it were morning , for thefear of the heart , wherewith thoufhalt fear,ec. Onely God canmake amorning of joy or inward light, to rife with the morning light of the natural day ; elfe we may hive day without us , and darknefs within us ; Sun -light but no foul light. . And filch was the intendment of that dreadful threatning againfl the wicked, laft mentioned out of Mofes. Whereas the godly in their darkefi outward condition, are under the fweet influences of that gracious promife (@Pfal. 97. r t.) Light isfawn for therigh- temus , and gladnefs for the upright in heart. And God cancom- mand that light to spring even in the hour and power of darknefs, as,Chrifi expre%d his faddefl day in this world (Luke 22. 5 3 ) The light of every morning is called the day-fpring, at the lat- ter end of this verfe ; and the Lord can make light and gladnefs, or the lightof gladnefs to fpring up in our hearts, when and where he pleafeth. Secondly, Obferve Thecourfe of Nature in all its turns andchanges , is moved by, and obedient to the command of God. As God commands the morning , fo the morning fails not to éòme at his conamand. When did you ever know the morning flop or flay a moment beyond the time ,`that God commanded it tocome forth. We could never fay to the Chariot of the Sun, as the Mother of Sifens raid of his , why is bù Chariotfo long a co- ming ? whyflay thewheels of his Chariot ? There was fomewhat flopt Sifera`.s Chariot, that it could not come ; and God took off the Chariot wheels of the Egyptians, in the Red Sea , and they drew heavily; yea, the Lord can take offthe Chariot-wheels of any, though they drive as furioufly as lehu , fo thatthey fhall not come at their time:.: butwho eVerknew the morning {}opt a minute or`a criometlt beyond the,eltac`f time at which it fhould tome, or was expected ? And as the Sun a fo all natural things I17