Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

116 Chap. 38. an Fxpfation upon the Book of J o B Verf. la. ter , hiswill is enough to bring it forth. What God will have done , (hall be done. Thus it was at the beginning , whenGod created all things , and gave them a being ; and thus it bath been ever fence for the moving of all things to their fevers' ends, and iffues , to this day ; all bath been done by a word of com- mand. David (Pal. i48.) calling the Sun, Moon, and Stars, to praife the Lord, gives that as the reafon (verf. 5.) for he commanded, and they werecreated. Now, I fay, asthey were cre- ated at the firft by his command , fo they thine forth every day by the fame3command (Match. 5.4.1.) He maketh- his Sunto rife on the evil and"on the good. He that bath power, ufually faith to a perfon' that is unwilling to do a thing , 1 will make you to do it; that is , you (half do it , whether you will or no. And 'cis faid by the Evangeli(+, Hemahethhis San tórip, &c. which may Teem to import a kind of unwillingnefs in the Sun to bellow its light promifcuoufly upon the evil as well as good (evil men are indeed unworthy that the Sun fhould thine or the rain fall uponthem) but God (who is infinite in goodnefs, and to Chew that our good deeds fhould not bePhut up or narrowed to,chofe onely who are good) layech an irrefi(+ible and an indifpenfible charge upondie Sun, to rife and íhine with that indifferency to the good , and to the bad. TheSun would be a(hamed to Chine upon wicked men , theSun would evenwith-hold its beams,and rays, and deny them light or any comfort , it would not make the earth fruitful for them , had it not a command from the Lord: But having a command from_him , it cannot with-hold nor di- vert its light nonot from tilde who are children of darknefs- and have confiant fellowfhip with the unfruitful works of dark- neffe. 'Tis no ftnall mattér of confoiatsb , to remember, that our God is acommanding:God, ,that h can command the morning which as it is a truth, with refpea to the naturalmorningof e- very day, fo to the myflical or metaphorical morning. After a dark, black, and flormy night' of forrow and trouble upon his Church or "Peop9e, then the Lord cancommand'themorning of joyand profperity to arife upon them and comfort them. 'Tit comfortable living under and obeying, his commands, who can command away our furrows , and by a word fpeaking turnmid might intomorning, and the fhad'ows of death into the alining light