Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

I 23 Chap. 3S. an Expolition upon the Book of jo B. Verf. 12@ light , 'cis the privation of light : Now, that thehabit fhould come forth out of the privation , light out of darknefs, or life out of death,joy out of forrow, peace out of trouble,thefe are the wonderful works of God. And we may comfortably meditate upon this , when we want any kind of light r Whence did the Lord bring light at firfl ? even out of darknefs therefore let us not think any darknefsof trouble , alert to the Lords produdlion oflight. When we are in fpiricual darknefs (thehate of nature is a hate of darknefs) that Both not hinder ;, the Lord can eafi- 1y bring the light of the new creatureout of it : and when wë are in the darknefs of any trouble, though it be thick darknefs, darkrefr (as fobfpake, chap. to. 2z.).l:hedarknefsce fe/f, and where the light is as darknefs ; yet this lothnot hinder, the Lord can bring light out of it. There's the firfi wonder, the Lord brought light out of darknefs. Secondly, Light is wonderful , in its operation, power, and efficacy, in that it doch fo fuddenly chafe away, conquer, and o- vercome darknefs. Light gets vidlory over darknefs in a mo- ment. There's no darknefs can abide the face of light. As foots as God commands the morning , let it beas da k as pitch , the darknefs muff away , and fly before it. Darknefs cannot with- fland light, nor hand in the prefence of. it ; there's no long di- fpure, light inflantlygets the hand, the day, of, darknefs. Thirdly , If we confider the ru,:enatureof light ; 'tis as pure as purity it fell. Light path an infuperable and an infuperable pu- rity ; though it may be a while obfcured, yet it cannot be at,all polluted. Philofopher -s have fpoken`much' about the nature of light,but none were ever able tocomprehend it. Some faid,itis a bet aiuru habit or gaalicy of a lightfomebody ; yet none of their definitions Phyfrci efi reach it fully. They make it a quality; yet we may conceive it is o : , feu qua° rather to be ranked and reckoned among fubflances than acci- IttGSCorpoc4 dents , it being a principal part of the Creation, and the ex- prefs fubjedi'of Gods work the firfl day of ir. Fourthly , The light is very wonderful in thechanges and vi- cifíitudes of ir. How it paffeth and repafleth , how it inc'rea- f th and decreafeth, how it comes and goes, is an amazing con- fideration. Fifthly Though the light be in continual changes, yet there's nothing snoreconflant than the light, to its appointed time. Light never fails tocome in its feafon, Second-