Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap, 3S. AnExpofitionupon the Book of J 01B. Verf. 1 3. derfut effeas, The Apofiles had a Commiüion fromChria, like that whichGod gives ro the Sun,to carry their light, or to preach the Gafpel toevery creature. The Sungives light and influence to every creature (Tfal, 19. 6.) Hisgoing forth ù from the eYd of the heaven , and his circuit unto the endsof it and there is no- thinghid from the heat thereof. Nor (hall any thing be hidfrom the light, hear, and influences of the Gofpel. Secondly, , The light is exceeding fwift, andfpreads it Pelf farand near in a moment. 131 Many can go far, if you give them time ; but the light goes very far , even to the ends of the earth (upon the matter) wirh- out time ; it goes alinofl in an infant , in the twinkling of an eye, it immediately takes bold of the ends of the earth. As loon as the Sun arifeth, light appeared', day breaks, and with an unconcei- vable fpeed illuffrates all places within its eye , or which lie open to it. The body of the Sun moves fafa, to a wonder , but the beams of the Sun move faller. David (pal. 139. 9.) (peaks of the wings of the morning. If I take (faith be) the wings of the morning (that is the morning light) nod flip to the,utmofl parts of the earth, even there (ball thy hand lead me, etc. The morning light is winged , and moves with incredible fwiftnefs. The Scri- pture (peaks of the morning light, with refpe& to irs fudden motion , as if it were a feathered or winged fowl , fpreading its rapes as fo many feathers or plumes , over all at an infianr. Though darknefs, thick darknefs, bath got poffeffion of the earth in the night , yet no fooner doth the light glimmer above the Horizon , but darknefs is fuddenly fcattered. One would think there (hould be a great battei, a long contef+, between light and darknefs, before light could conquer darknefs, and get it off the face of the earth ; whereas daily experience teacheth us that the morning havingonce opened its eye-lids , light gets an eafie vic5lory , and fheddeth it fell abroad every where without con- troul. Darknefs is loon difpelled and driven cut of the field by light. Darknefs cannot Band its ground before the Sun, who is Lordof the day, according to the appointment of God. Thus the day-fpring takes hold of the ends of the earth. And if any ask, Why cloth it fo ? Sa