Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

r32 Chap. 38. tnExroftion upon the Book of Jo E. Vert-. I anfwer , The day- fpring is a great and a faithful fervant to man. There are many ufes of light , many fervices, which the light doch for us ; I touch( fome of them in opening the former Context. We have one efpecial ufe or fervice of it exprefied in the dole of this verte It takes hoed of the ends of the earth, That the wiéked maybefha ,e,e out if it. This latter part of the verte Teems ro have little cognation with, and to be of a very difficult connexion with the former ; for it may be laid , What hath this fhakingof the wicked out of the earth to do with the light tale,ng holdof the ends of the earth ? I anfwer, The light 'that takes hold of the ends of the earth , is as a Ser- j:ant to arreti and take hold of the and fois a means to (hake them our of theearth. The wordsmycarry a double Me- taphor, toot as terre Firfi, To the (baking of a garment. When duff or moths, or tonquam any thing hurtful to a ;arment, is found upon ir, we (hake it our apprehendit,& Thus the Lord fends forth the morning light, to take hold of the tttmp'ose ends of the earth, as of the ends of a great garment , that the 6ol,na wicked , who are but as duff and vermin, may be (hakenout of it. Secondly , The metaphor or allufion may be taken from a Cleve, As the Cleve is ( baken when ive would feparate the chaffe , or that which is vile and worthiefs from among the good corn ; fo. the Lord by the light takes hold of the ends of the earth, and flukes the wicked like drofs or darnel,, out of the company of honefi men. 1, faith the Lord (4rnosg, q;) will lift the boufe> of I frael among all Nations , like ate corn is lifted in a fieve ; yet fhald not the lea,t grainfall upon the earth,that is,6e lofs orperifh,$ut the wicked,who are as chaffe, (hall be fcattered,and perilla for e- ver, when the Lord lifts them. Again, There words, That the wickedmaybe (haken out ofit; are by fome expounded aaively.; The day-/pris taketh hold of theends of the earth , that the wickedmay!hake (fe themfelves) ant ofit. For when the light cometh, wicked men do, askwere, (hake themfelves out of the earth ; that is, they hide themfelves, and run their heads into a corner. They who in the night and drrknefs go abroad doing uiifchief, following wicked purpofes, whet,