Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

zo Chap. 38. c/4n Fxpofition upon the Book, of J o B. Verf. s, lì Note ; God is prefeat with his in troublons difpenfations, Tis no argumenr, that God is not with us, when florins and whirl-winds are up,whether with refpeEîr to Nationsand Church- es, or particular Perlons. Do not think God is gone becaufe there is a llorm.Read (P(al.t 8.v.6,ß,8.Pfal,a3.4.Pfal.9r. r 5./14.4 3. a,3.) and you fhall find that in the woril appearances the Lord is preient. The Prophet fpeaks it exprefly ( Nahum r. 3.) The Lord bath his way rn the Whirl-wind, and to the Arm, and the Clouds are the dug of his feet. When and where it's darkand troublefom the Lord is there, and there he is molt ; that's the Prophets meaning alto, when he faith, The Clouds are the (loft of hisfeet. ByClouds we may underfaand, not fomuch the Clouds of the Air, as cloudy Providences there are round about him, whileJudgment and Jufftce, yea while Mercy and Goodnefs are the habitation of his Throne. And there Clouds may be called the daft ofhis feet in a Figure; we knowwhere Travellers pafsof- ten, their feet make, a duff ; now it films that the Lord Both at much in the Clouds, that is in dark Providences,becaufeads laid, They are the dusk ofhis feet,"as if he moved fo much and fo long in them, that he raifed a dull with hismotion. Do not think the Lord is gone, when whirl-winds and florms, that is outward troubles, come. The Lord anrwers out of the whirl-wind as of- tenas he anfwers us by terrible things in Rigbteoufrefs ; and thus 'te often anfwers us ( Pfal. 65. S.) Seaventhly, and Laflly, comparing the manner of Gods corn- ing and fpeaking to yob, with his intent in coming and fpcaking to him. The manner in which God came and fpake was in a whirl-wind ; but what was his purpofe ? was it to blow the poor Man away ? no ; it was but to humblehim, and then to comfort and reflore hixa, Obrerve ; Theoutward appearances of God are often very terrible; when be intends nothingbut mercy and love to his people. What more dreadful than a Whirlewind ? yet Fob zoaand this fiotme aahering ina Tweet calme and a mot} comfor- sable