Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. ../fn Expofition upon the Bock of J o B, . q, at which time indeed there were notable and amazing moti- ons and alterations both in Heavenand Earth. Others expound it of the Day of the ultimate Judgement ;, not a fernof Tome great providential dilpenfations ofGod,which (hail (hake not the Earth only , but alto the Heavens , os taken in a Metaphor for earthly and heavenly things , referring to the Church of God and the Dingdomes of Men. I ihall not interpole in this matter a- bout the fence of that Text but onely fay, whatever the Ape- file meant by Earth or Heaven , and the fhaking of it , yet this remains as an unfhakenAxiom , thatthe -Fabrickof the Earth (properly taken) (lands fail : The Lord hath laid the foundations of it , that it /hould rotbe removed. DavidCO (hew the fedfaft- nefs of his faith , put that fuppofition (Pfal, 46. a. ) Therefore will net we fear, though theEarth be moved. The Prophet allb did the like ,'_to allure us of the (lability of the Covenant of Grace (Ifa. 54. to,) yet we need notfear that either the Earth (hall be removed , or the Mountainsdeparr. Such fuppofitions (hew indeed the immoveablenefs of the Word which God bath fpoken, not the mcveablenefs (byany natural power or natural decay) of the Earth, whole foundations he hath laid. And hence the Pfaltalia argues the Lords faithfulnefs to his Word o sago no (Pfaff. 1 19.90.) All earthly things move, but the Earth wherein verensturat:'ter all chele motions are made, Rands fill (Eccd. 1.4.) The Earth terra, guarngui- can no more move , than the Heavens can (land fill. Some mo- *ere ueiu'2 dern Philofophers have turned the fcaleof Nature , and would patefl. fold. p perfwade us that the Heavens Rardflill , and the Earth moves : but 'tisgood for use ffand to and abide by the Scripture, which tells us , the Earth ¡landsRu/l andabideth ; or it abidech, that is, ïcfsrandeth , as the Margin explains it (PPal. II '.9e.) And that it (landeth hill or abideth , not only becaufe it bath fill a being (as things inmotion have) but becaufe it is flill,or Pfands without moving , is fo much my faith, as well as my fente , that I fee no realm to be moved from ir. Sixthly , The Power and LYißof God are theonelyfoundations of the earth, 'TisPaid by the Pfalmtf}, hehath founded it upon the waters (as was!hewed before) yet that cannot be meant proper- 1y; for how can water, a fluid body , naturally bear up or' fufain the Earth,a heavy body,and nce at all boyant ? We all fee it hang - ach or fandeth in the ayre. But what foundation can the lyre be