Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 3g. AnE,wpofitionupon the Êookof J o is. \Teti. 4. of the earth were laid. Man knowerb not where he wa.Y, nor what he was, before he was : how then fhould he ,declare how any thing was done by God befdre he ruas ? The great thing which God would inform fob in , is the faine which tFe Apollo would inform us all in ( Rom. r r . s 3, 34.. ) while he brake out as a man amazed at the fight of a tremendous gulf in this pafïîonate Exclamation , 0 the depeh of the richer both of the roifdotn and knowledge of God! how unfearchab.le are his judgements and his wayes paft finding out ! for who bathknown the mud of the Lord, or who loath beenhis Cotonfellor ? The Lord having put this queflion to lob about the Creation of the Earth in general, proceedeth moredíflinetly, toput him qucf}ions about that work in allufion to buildings. And here are four things in thefe two vertes which have a two- fold refpe6t to buildings : Here are two things which have re- fpee to the form and fymetry of a building : And here are two things which have refpet to the firength and firmnefs of a building. The form , fymetry, and right order of a building, is laid down in the fifth verte , where the Lord fpeaks of the tneafures of the earth , and of (+retching out a line upon it. The meafuring of a building , and the ftretchingout of the line upon it , refpe& the right ordering and modelling , or the due frame of the fabrick. The two other things that concern the firength of a building, are the laying of the foundation and the faflening of the corner- Bone ; both thefe we have in the fixth verte : whereupon are the foundatìonrtbereof faterred ? or who laid the cornertone thereof ? So then,we have here thefe two great and neceffarÿ concernments of abuilding : Firft, The dueform. Secondly, The firmnefs of it. `When a builder intends to raife a fabrick , he fini confidereth and meafureth the ground or plat where he intends to build: With refpe& to this, faith God, Who bath laid the meafures thereof ? Secondly , When he is building , he ufeth his line to keep the Ad amen e- work level and' right : with refpet ro which God faith, who hash riguntur parle- firetched the line tapon it ? ter. I 2 Thirdly,