Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. t.,qn Expofition upon the Book. of j o is. Vert. S, 67 line upon ir, and we fhould take heed that we do not exceed our line. God bath given a line , by which mans converfation fhould be fquared as exadtly as any building is or can be by line. As the work of God for us is beautiful , fo should cur works be. We (as to our fpiiitual Rate) are a Creation , a new noble Cre- ation : And certainly, he who made the earth , this old outward Creation in fuch exa&nets, bath alio made the newCreation, our fpititual heavenly hate much more (if more may be) exa&- ly;he bath made it by meafure and by line.Let us therefore walk, and fpeak,yea,and think,by meafure and by line;let us appear and approve our feives as the building of God , as the work of Gods holy Spirit , fair and beautiful. Many profefs godlinefs ; but do they appear as Gods Workmanfhip, as if God had firerched his Iine, and laid the meafureof the New Spiritual Creation upon them ? Beleevers are the Work!nan(hipof God ( Eph. 2. to.) '4t)tit e4. and fo they fhould appear as ) created in Chrifl lefts unto good work! ; which God bath before ordained,that we fhould walk in them. The Apatite faith (Phil. t .27.) Let your converfation be as becometh the CÇofpel of Chriff , whom ye believe in. The Ga- fpel is an exadc thing , ordered in all things as David fpakeof it (2 Sam. 23. ç.) under the notion of the everlafting Covenanr. Now, faith Sr. Paul , Let your converfation be as becometh the Gofpel of Chriji; let it be an orderly converfation a I may fay alfa, lei your converfationbe fuch as becometh the earth ye walk upon; that's anaccurate frame , the Lordbath made it in meafure , and ftrerched the line upon it :Let us take heed webe not found walk- ing betides that line, thofe meafures which he bathgiven us. - Fourthly , If God bathbeen thus exa& in framing the earth, as it were , by line and meafure for us ; if he bath given us fo perfe& a piece to inhabit and dwell in while we are in this fin- ful flare : What do you think is that paradife which he hath pre- pared for us inour finlefs Bate ! VVhat are the meaCures of our heavenly City 1 VVhat the lines that have been Grerched cut upon thofe eternal Maniions 1 If vifible things which our eye feeth, are fo taking; what are things invifible ! And if this earth which we tread on , be a Lookingglafs (as indeed it is) where- in we may fee the wifdom and power of God ; what will hea- venbe ! How will that reflet the wifdom , power, and good- nefs of God ! If this world be a beauty , and is therefore ex- K preffed