Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

4 68 Chap. 38. fir: Fxpofrtion upon the Book of J o B. Vert; .-G . xkw; . prefred by a word in the Greek fignifying beauty , tom decency ; what will that world be which is to come ! Thus much of the exaanefsof the building. The next verfe holdsout the flrengtli and firmnels of ir. Verf.. 6. Whereupon are the foundations thereof faliened ? Or who bath laid the cornerlion° thereofp Two things make a building ftrong and firm. Firf , The fattening of the foundations. Secondly , The right layingof the Corner-lone. VVe had the laying of the foundations at the fourth verfe, here we have the fattening of them., If a foundation be laid loofy, the building will not Hand. Chrid in the Parable (Mar. 7. 27.). fpeaks of a foundation laid in the loofe fand, that could not make a firm building. But the houle which had its foundation laid on a compa&ed rock , or had the rock for a foun- dation, flood fart in allwinds and weathers. The Lord hath not $ìcgui nos Per- only laid the foundations of the earth , but bath fattened they ianrrrpórive- foundations ; he bath built upon a Rock. You will fay, what is luú ,f,Po to that rock-like thing upon which the foundations of the earth are fundament° ram fattened ? I anfwer , it is nothing but the power andwill of God. inmenfumhoc The will and power of God are the pillars or bales upon which term ponds° the earth is fattened and made lure for ever.. iitnitarur, dica The-word which we tranflate foundations , is often in Scriptupe "nut opertet, quodisrmanu rendred. Pockets (Exod.26.19. chap.3 5. a 1. chap. 38. 27. Cant. itemr,fontom- 5.1 S.) Now Pockets are placescut in timber and lone, or cafe in neef]ines term. metal, , inwhieh the feveral llrengthning pieces of a building are &atil.inMi. fattened ; and fuch is the foundationto a houle,' the fattening of P4' L'n17`, ir.Foundations are laid in the ground,and beams arefaftenedwith & rmerfiss, tn- Lockets. Mr. Broughton tranflates; Whereupon are thefoundations us,impreJfirr, thereoffunkfall.We ulually fay,we muff fink a foundation; Foun- hine datiobsare funk, and then the Seiperttruí ure fattened on ir. annulus quod Further , Takenotice , The word which herewe renderfours_ 'digit° "11"a" dations or fo-ekets is not that which zssdigiruret, property frgnifierh a founds- itur. non : And from it the word Eldon is derived , which figni&aeth .11R aLord, or Maler, or chief amongmen ; becaule Lords and Prin afs c°tun{na ces are or (how it as the lockets and pillars of a 'Nation , to cuialtquidín fallen and fecure all in their places: and upon the fall of Princes arìtirur, imponi- our argue a ea oftennfolloweth the fall and ruinof Nations-. The Spanifh word Don,,