Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

$6 Chap. 4. AnExpefit ion upon the Book of JO B. Verf i 3 eyes, verf. 5. But often we find, that vifions were accompanie d with trances : 'Twas fo with Balaam the falfe Prophet, (Numb. 24.16.)HebathPaid, whichfàw the vifions ofthe Almighty, fal;ing into a trance, but having his eyes open : And it was fo with fome of the true Prophets, Daniel faw a vition, and when he heard the voice, Then (faith he) was Iin a deep fleep upon my face, (Dan. o. 9.) Peter was in a trance, when he had the vilion ofa fheet let down from Heaven AO: o. And theApoflle faith, (2 Cor. 12. i.) Iwill come to vifions and revelations ofthe Lord: whether in the body I cannot tell, or whether out of the bud) I cannot tell, God knowerh. His foul had fo mü h..cquaintance with God, ` that he became a flrauger tohis own 'body ; his foul was fo bufied in re- ceiving knowledge from God, that he was fain to put off the knowledge and care ofhis body, wholly to God : What the fate ofmy body wàs,l know not, God knoweth. Fourthly,fome vifions were prefented only in bare naked words, others were cloathed in types and figures, in the fhapes of beafls . of the earth, and fouls cfthe ayr, oftrees and flouts, &c. As to. Ezekiel and Daniel in their Propheties,and.toJohn in the bockof Revelations:Theft figures were as an Alphabet of facred Letters, which put together and (-pel'd, made the mind of God legible to his fervants. Lafily,The Scripture in hand, hints us a fifth difference about vifions. In thoughts from the vifions of the night, that's confidera- bic. There were vifions of theday,and vifions of the night; thus it is Paid (Dan. 2. 19.) when Daniel expounded !Nebuchadnez- zar: dream,thatGod made it known to him in vifions ofthe night, oppofing it to vifions of the day. üfually the night was the time for vifions ; hence (Numb. 22. i8, 19.) Balaam the falfe Pro- phet (when the meffeugers ofBalaak,came to hiín) faith, Tarry this night,and I will fhewyou in the morning,he thought to have a vifion in thenight:So it is obfervable,that when.Saui andhis ler- vant, came to Samuel (r Sam. 9. i 9. ¡to enquire about the ftrard Aftes, he tells him,;;(hail eat breadwith me to day,and to morrow I will let theego,andwill tell thee all that it in thine heart ; he detï- red a night, intimating, that God ofed to reveal fecrets unto him thenight. So much concerning vifions, with the kindes and differences of them. From this doCrine of vifions, we may takenotice ofour pri- viledge