Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap, 4. iu Expofttion upon the boot of J O B. Verf,13. Ss God, znanifefiinghismini to the Prophets, either to affure fzsore J.uceeffjes, or to refotve doubtful gieries : And, there were called Vi,¡co cfl omav vifions, becaufé by them things were made fo manifefi, as if they nYïi,trútara; had been Peen before theireyes : and in fume of there revelations, guita ream quit- avifibie reprefentation was made to the eye : vifions were often gufeuq, vi- attendedwith apparitions in reference to both there forts of vi-pin ell reve- fìons,that is applicable, I Sam. 9. 9. Before time in Ifrael, when a lare,rettQfas man stews to enquire ofGod,tbus hefpake, come let us go to the Seer, quodomodo for he that is now called a Prophet, was Info' re time called a Seer : Ña da,. oc 11i Prophets were called Seers, becaufe in vifions they had either an fervarumfuo- ocular, or an intellectual fight of the mind of God. rue; exhibet Secondly, Vi[ions may undergo this division : there was an o- earn grand pen vilïon, and there was a private vifion : In r Sam. 3 I, we tudinern. ecru- jun. have the ground of the diiiinóion, In thole dayes there was no o- icap.Ifa. pen vifzun : Open is oppofed to private or iicret;. the word im- ports,a vifion appearing in publick,and the meaning, of the. Text is this ; there were noProphets font openly, and (as it were) in State, inverted with commi[fion, and furnithed with meftages Pueruntguf- from Heaven:unto this people ; there was no open vifion : yet at demjingulares. that time there were private vifions,as toManoah, Judg. r 3. God vh eta uw revealed himrelf in.thofe dark times, to Come of his fpecial fer. ptju cornrnuni- vants:And fo he hath & will at all times. W hile he hath aChurch. catd,ne cum upon the earth he never (huts himfelfquite in Heaven. Open vi- Dianoab.: flan may fail, but all vifions (hall not fail. So open profellion ludic. r3. may fail in the reign ofÀntichrifl, in his hour, and in the power ÑioPublit ofdarknefs , as it did in the time ofEliah, yet all profeflion of omñ mnn" the truth fhall never fail : The Lordbath alwayes bir thoufandsin jacebat, Jun. fecret,wbo never bowed their knee to Baal.Inmany places finceChrift tutor. carne in the flefh,there hath.been noopenvition,no holding forth . of the truth ofChrift, and yet even in thole places, there have been private vitiens; and a remnant referved,to whom Gad hath made known the myileries of the Kingdomof Chrift:Wbe,z dark: nefs covers all in appearance. there may be light which appears not : andcandles under a Úufhei, when thereare none in the candlejticks, AGufhen hath light, while Egypt is plagued with darknef>; and . when the Prophets are benighted, it may be duty with many of the people. Titirdly,Sotne vifions were without any trance or ravithinent, (Gen. 35. 3.) The word of God came in a vifion to Abraham, fpeakingtohis ear and bidding him look up to Heavenwith his eyes,